Chapter 5

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Next morning.
3rd person P.O.V

(A/N in this story everyone has their own rooms. Just helps a bit when writing.)

(y/n) flickered her (e/c) eyes open, rubbing them as she yawned. The girl had only had about 2 hrs sleep that night, she stayed awake thinking of her friend from the past. He was the first thought that popped into her head that morning. "Damn it! Why can't I remember his name or face?!" (y/n) whisper yelled, whacking her hands against the white sheets. "Ugh! That's gonna do my head in!" She said, as (y/n) pulled her knees up to her chin, burying her face in the sheets that covered them.

A sudden knock on the door startled (y/n) out of her curled up position, so with a huff she flung her legs off the bed and dragged her feet across the floor to the door. Rubbing her tired eyes once more, she swung the door open to reveal a bright and shining Armin.

"You're a bit too happy for this early in the morning." (y/n) stated folding her arms across her chest. She wore (f/c) cotton pj's, her hair in a messy bun (or if you have short hair just a messy style as you have just woken up) Armin thought she looked adorable, even if she did have that unimpressed and get-away-from-me look on her face. "Hey (y/n)! Just came to see how you are after yesterday!" He greeted, a wide smile painted on his face. "Really? You came to ask me at this time? We're not all morning people you know." (y/n) huffed tucking a piece of (h/c) hair behind her ear. "If you have to know, I'm perfectly fine." "Good! So are you going to sit with us for breakfast?!" Armin asked, making those 'puppy-dog' eyes. "No thanks. Now can you leave so I can change?!" (y/n) was growing impatient with the energetic boy and his friends. "O-oh okay. Sure." Armin replied, rubbing the back of his neck, a light pink creeping onto his cheeks.

With that and one swift hand movement, (y/n) slammed the door shut. After waddling back to her bed, lay face down and let out a long sigh of annoyance. "I just can't be bothered with this today! I can't be bothered with people!" She cried, rolling onto her back so she could sit up.

Shuffling over to her uniform which was hung up neatly, (y/n) still searched her brain for the name of her only friend from her childhood. "WHAT WAS HIS DAMN NAME?!" she yelled, stomping her foot against the wooden floors, pulling at her hair. 'Just gonna have to forget about him, I guess.' The rather annoyed girl thought, sighing then taking her uniform so she could change.

Once changed and ready, (y/n) shuffled over to the door again, except when she swung it open this time, Eren was waiting there like he was ready to knock on the wood. "What the hell do you want Jaeger?" She 'greeted' in her usual tone. 'Ugh! This kid is doing my head in!' She yelled in her mind.

Eren's P.O.V
Rewind to a few mins before

"Hey Armin! Where have you been?!" I asked whilst greeting my blonde friend. "Mikasa and I have been looking everywhere for you!" "Sorry, I just went to check up on (y/n)." He explained, his cheeks slightly pink as he stood there, hands behind his back and toes on the floor as he twisted his foot a bit. (A/N I know what I mean, it's hard to explain. Do you get what I mean? Or am I just talking a load of rubbish here? Oh well...) I just sighed, "So how is she then?" I asked with a I'm-not-bothered-at-all look on my face, when in fact I just really wanted to know. "Well, she just turned me away." Armin mumbled, looking towards the floor. "Oh! I'm fed up of her attitude towards us!" Mikasa yelled, 'She really does have a hate for the girl!' I thought letting out a slight laugh. "I'll go." I volunteered walking towards her room.

As I stood there, debating what to say I heard (y/n) yell and hit something. It was muffled but it sounded like she said 'What was his damn name!' "Huh?" I asked quietly, pushing my ear against the door, I had to hear more! Yet she said nothing more.

'Was she thinking about her old friend?' I question myself, smiling. "So she does remember me." I whispered to no one, my smile grew bigger.

"What the hell do you want Jaeger?" I was politely greeted by the ever so charming (y/n). She looked so cute in her uniform, black jacket (like always) and her hair left natural. Her hood was up once again so I could only see part of her (h/l) soft (h/c) hair. "O-O-oh hey (y/n). Just came to check how you are." I stutter, my cheeks growing a rosy colour. She made her 'tch' sound, flickered her hair and began to storm out the room, her hands in the pockets of her jacket. "Armin already did that. Like I said to him I'm fine. So skedaddle." I don't know why she tried to use a harsh tone for such an odd word.

"More training today (y/n). You ready?" She shot me a death glare as if I just insulted her and her whole family. "Don't ask if I'm ready. Ask yourself if your ready to get your ass kicked again." She smirked! "You just smiled." I called as she kept walking away. A mile plastered on my face. "Yeah. I guess I did." Was her reply, in a sweet tone and voice.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

'Guess your not so bad Jaeger...' I thought, a chuckle leaving my lips. I shook my head, strolling outside, "Not so bad..." I mumbled, kicking a bit of the dirt, smirking. Yet covering my smile with the shadow from my hood.

Time skip!!
Well, again not so much of a time skip. Just back to you in the hospital...

"Instead of training that day, we were on wall duty. (Well I guess you can call it that.) Basically we were checking the cannons etc.
That's the day it all happened. The day the wall fell for the second time..."

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