Chapter 17

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Just letting you guys know that I can't remember what gets said during this scene so I'm just gonna make it up as I go along. AND I'm too lazy to re-watch it a fourth time so yeah.

Enjoy... I guess...

3rd person P.O.V

'Well s**t. I can't imagine this going too well.' (y/n) thinks as the doors to the court room are flung open. "Care to explain why you couldn't tell us we were heading... to... court." She fades her sentence, realising all eyes are on her and the titan boy by her side. The (h/c) haired girl whispers to the boy in chains "Awkward!" extending the word in a very comical fashion as they enter the hall side by side. Soon one guard pushes Eren forward into the middle of the court whilst (y/n) is shoved into the crowded area behind the barriers, soon meeting the eyes of Armin and Mikasa.

"What's going on?" the girl asks the pair, earning an annoyed grunt off Mikasa "Chill! I was just asking! *cough* b*tch *cough*" The blonde boy ignores this saying "It's Eren's trial." his voice shaking with concern. "I figured THAT out." (y/n) replies coldly with a huff, "Why the hell would he be chained up otherwise!" "Yeah. Sorry." Armin sighs.

"ORDER!" the judge's booming voice slices through the air, bouncing off all four walls and snapping everyone's attention towards him. "You are all here to witness the trail of cadet Eren Jaeger." "HE'S A DANGER TO HUMANITY!" a panicked voice of a member of the MP interrupts, angering Eren who was in the center of the court room, attached to a metal pole as he knelt on the concrete. "Stupid asshole! Learn the facts before you make an accusation!" the (h/c) haired girl half yelled. To her, her voice seems low, barely loud enough to be heard by those around her, yet in this echoing room she is heard by everyone. And I mean EVERYONE.

"Do you have something to say?!" the man sat up higher than everyone else barks, rather annoyed at (y/n)'s statement. "Why, yes. Yes I do. Thank you for asking." the girl replies with confidence and a little bit of sass in her tone as she smirks, knowing that the coward heard her insult.

Clearing her throat she begins, "I was on a rooftop, battered and bruised, about to be eaten by one of the beasts, when titan brat over there..." A man with bushy eyebrows chuckles slightly at the last bit and whispers to the shorter man "She sounds like you." to which he replies with "Tch." they both listen carefully as she continues "...Saved me. Yes, I hate to admit it, but he took down the other titan, letting me live." (y/n) looks down at her feet, burying her hands in her jacket pocket and letting her hair cover her eyes, she hates to admit that Jaeger saved her. "So I don't see why he has to be punished. After all, he saved our lives." she concludes her speech, looking up and meeting the eyes of Eren as he gazes at her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "BUT ISN'T IT TRUE, HE TRIED TO KILL CADET ACKERMAN?!" A voice towards the back of the room pipes in, causing the girl in question to scowl in that direction. Citizens and soldiers begin to murmur, as the volume rises the atmosphere thickens.

Eren seems to be growing more and more agitated by the second, until he finally snaps. "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! YOUR JUST A BUNCH OF COWARDS!" grabbing their attention, the boy pauses momentarily, his breathing deep as sweat drips down his face. "You know nothing... You can't see how my skill can be used?! (wow Eren, I know you're trying to save your guts and all but please don't get generic with this speech 😒) We haven't gotten a step closer to defeating the titans, many soldiers keep ducking out at the last minute due to their fear. You can't put your trust in them, SO PUT YOUR TRUST IN ME!" Everyone stares in shock as a short man with dark hair and steel coloured eyes throws a kick towards the boys face, shutting him up and knocking a tooth out.

A dark aura surrounds Mikasa as she witnesses what just happened. Armin grabs her arm, holding her back as she was ready to charge straight for the man. The (h/c) haired girl next to them whispers to the blonde boy, "Let her go. I wanna see what she'll do." (Ooo, you little trouble maker 😏) Her sentence seems to be something a child would say if they wanted to stir up trouble, but her tone was bland and her expression blank, indicating she just wants to see how this all plays out.

Armin slowly releases his grip on Mikasa's arm, allowing her the freedom to do as she pleases. Knowing she can't step in and beat the crap out of the 'attacker' because she will just be dragged out of there by some guards, she thinks of a way to get his attention away from Eren. "Why is Eren the only one on trial here?!" Her voice as monotone as ever, just slightly raised so it travels throughout the court. The whole court grows silent, the dark haired man lifting Eren by his hair, the boy battered completely. "Who else should be on trial then." the man beating the brunette, known as Levi Ackerman, asks in the same tone as Mikasa and (y/n). After a deep breath, the raven haired girl replies "Cadet (y/n) (l/n)." Armin shoots Mikasa a shocked and concerned look, whereas (y/n) uses a wtf look.

"Why would Cadet (l/n) be on trial?" the judge booms, Levi staring blankly in (y/n)'s direction. "Yeah Mikasa. Why the hell would I be on trial?" a dark aura surrounds the girl, her words filled with venom, shooting a glare, that if looks could kill Mikasa would have no chance, in her direction.

Everyone knows that Mikasa would do anything to protect Eren, even if it means bringing someone else in it, luckily this time it was the one person she hates most. Clearing her throat she speaks in her usual tone, "(y/n) has a special 'skill', however she also has a short temper. And I believe that she could use her skill against us if she ever snapped. Meaning that she is just as much or perhaps even more of a danger to us than Eren."

All eyes now snap to the accused, some staring in fear others on confusion. "What is this special skill you speak of?" Levi asks, 'Wait. Why do I recognize him?' (y/n) questions herself upon hearing his voice. His oddly familiar face and voice sends a shooting pain through the girls head, memories returning but just blurry faces...

However, Mikasa soon answers her question. "She can control Titans."


My little titans are the best *hugs* (sorry I've been told I'm over enthusiastic but please accept my hugs!!!)

*hands everyone a rose* Here you go my dar- Oops wrong anime!

Bye my fabulous friends!

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