Chapter 3

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3rd person P.O.V

"This isn't over..." with clenched fists, Mikasa stormed off, following (y/n).

Straight away (y/n) realised she was being followed, so with a huff she spun around on her heel, extended her arm out straight, knocking over Mikasa who had ran up behind her ready to tackle (y/n) to the floor. "No one. And I mean no one, insults Eren on my watch!" The raven haired girl growled at the now bored (y/n). "Whatever Mikasa. Just leave before you embarrass yourself. Idiot." She mumbled the last bit as she strolled away, her hands back in the pockets of her dark jacket. "Better get ready for training halfwits!" (y/n) calls in a mocking tone to the three as the boys ran to Mikasa's aid.

"Training starts now!" She yelled after stopping to face the trio. 'Ha! She has too much confidence for such a weak, fragile person.' Mikasa thought to herself. Little did she know, (y/n) was holding back in their last two fights. She could wipe the floor with the overprotective girl.

Time skip brought to you by readers fabulous skills!!
Well sort of time skip. Basically back to you in the hospital!

"So yeah. As you can tell you and Mikasa got off to a great start. (Note the sarcasm). During all the training you destroyed Mikasa, proving that you are not weak and you were holding back when fighting her. Just hope she doesn't try to fight you again, that would be embarrassing! Anyway, we excelled in every part of training, including the academic part! Yes we are smarter then Armin! *dances*. We were as bad ass as Annie during hand-to-hand combat, well we were even better!" *blasts favourite song* *happy dance*
"So, by this point, everyone was shocked on how skilled we are! All was well. No one bothered us. Peaceful. Well, peaceful until a certain horse face had to get involved..."

Back to the story!!
3rd person P.O.V

After training, (y/n) had tried to avoid everyone. She even pulled up her hood, to shade herself from the sun and people. The mysterious girl sat in her usual odd position, on the corner table of the hall. Yet this time she wasn't bothered by the trio of 'idiots' as she liked to call them, just a horse faced idiot instead.

"Hey." Jean greeted (y/n), slumping down onto the bench facing her. He gave a flash of his shining white teeth, and a cheesy wink. (y/n) just rolled her eyes and carried on eating. "I just wanted to say I really love your beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair." He complimented, the girl just made a 'tch' sound and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Hey! I was talking to you!" The boy said raising his voice. "Yeah I know. But I didn't ask you to, so leave." (y/n) replied in her usual monotone voice. Jean's face turned tomato, everyone could see he was getting angry.

"Hey, Jean let's go." His best friend Marco insisted in a sweet and concerned tone. "No Marco. She sits there acting as if she's too good to talk to any of us! She can't even say a simple 'thank you' to my compliment!" Jean yelled, standing up from his seat. "I don't talk to idiots like you." (y/n) insulted, fed up of this boy already. "Your boring me so just go." And with that Jean swung his arm back, ready to slap (y/n) across the face. Not surprisingly, (y/n) caught his hand and twisted his wrist. "Oh Jean, you really are an imbecile." She stated, twisting his arm further until he fell on the floor. "You shouldn't challenge m-m-me.... HEY PUT ME DOWN!"

(y/n) had been flung over Eren's shoulder as he carried her out of the hall and away from the fight. "I SAID PUT ME DOWN!" she yelled with some expression in her voice for once. When they made it outside, Eren lowered the girl from his shoulder, keeping hold of hers. "I was handling it." (y/n) said, returning to her normal tone. "Just wait here." Eren ordered, walking back to Jean.

Twisting around, ready to storm to her room, (y/n) walks into a familiar blonde boy. "Hey (y/n) Armin greeted. "Move." She demanded trying to nudge the boy out of the way. "You don't need to be alone you know." Armin said, stepping in front of the infuriated girl. "Alone is what I have. Alone protects me." (Yes you just casually quote Sherlock to Armin.) (y/n) dashed passed the boy, running to a dark corner to be alone. "No, (y/n), friends protect people." Armin cried as (y/n) ran, not stopping for a moment.

"Eren just wants to protect you...." (y/n) didn't hear the rest as Armin's voice faded into the distance. Gazing off into the sky, she slowed her run into a stroll. Daydreaming once again. 'Is he right? Do I need friends to protect me?' A tear threatened to trickle down (y/n)'s (s/c) cheek. 'No. He can't be. I can handle myself. I don't need friends. I only need one. The one I had when I was younger. If only I could remember his name...' her thoughts are cut short when she walks into another mysterious figure.

"Ugh. You again." (y/n) says folding her arms, looking the familiar person right in the eye.

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