Chapter 14

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3rd person P.O.V

It has been announced that Eren should be protected by the three of the best elites of the Garrison Regiment, along with Mikasa Ackerman and (y/n) (l/n). So, he is in safe hands. "Mikasa? (y/n)?" Armin grabs the attention of the two girls, as the (h/c) haired girl holds the raven haired one by the collar of her jacket. "Not now, Armin." they both say in a strangely calm voice, in unison. "What the hell?! Don't copy me you idiot!" (y/n) insults, giving Mikasa a shove as she releases her grip, "Wash your jacket! It's filthy." a look of disgust dances on the girls face as she wipes her hand on Armin's back. "Would you two just knock it off?!" the blonde boy half yells, startling both females as they look at him. "Just leave this silly feud! You need to work together to protect Eren!" his tone now calm as he collects his thoughts. "These arguments serve no purpose in the overall picture, so just leave it. For everyone's sake. Okay?!" Armin looks to the girls with a slight smile on his face, awaiting their reply. (y/n) just gives a slight nod, same as Mikasa. "Good." the blue eyed boy smiles, walking to his post.

"I'm not doing this for you or Armin, I'm doing this for Eren." Mikasa states plainly, her look sharp as she glares at (y/n) but it softens when she looks at the brunette in ripped clothing. "Couldn't care less." the (e/c) eyed teen replies, leaving Mikasa 'daydreaming' about the titan-boy as she strolls to her designated position. "Hey! You might want to stop staring at your 'brother' like that, and get to work!" (y/n) calls to the raven haired girl from afar, slightly looking over her shoulder to see Mikasa's reaction. Sadly, because it is Mikasa her reaction isn't all that funny, just a bit of head shaking as she pulls her crimson scarf up to hide her blush, not the kind of jump or stumble or even stuttering trying to defend herself, that (y/n) was hoping for. Pity.

Time skip to the start of the plan!
Your P.O.V

As I follow the titan-boy to the boulder, I wait on a rooftop nearby whilst he stands next to the giant rock. I can see that his hand is shaking slightly as he holds it close to his mouth. Ready to bite. Ready to turn. "Come on Eren. If anyone can do this, it's you." I mumble my words of encouragement to myself, looking at the worry yet determination radiating of the brunette. "Hurry up Jaeger! We haven't got all day!" I now yell down to the boy as I glide next to Mikasa. Eren looks up at my figure and gives a small nod. 'Okay, he's about to do it.' I think, moving to the next roof.

A green-ish coloured cloud of what looks like smoke or something, fills the sky. A beam of light zig-zagging through the air towards Eren's form. The boy's titan materialises from the air, causing Eren to grow 15m tall. His titan form shaking slightly, breathing heavy as it stares at the boulder. Head slightly down. "What the hell is he doing?" I ask myself out loud, "Why hasn't he tried picking up the boulder yet?"

I shuffle closer to the edge of the tiled roof, "Eren?! What are you doing?! Hurry up and get on with it!" I scream to the titan, 'if I can control normal ones, maybe I can talk and actually get through to Eren as a titan!' I think for a minute as I watch the 15m titan look over its shoulder towards the scarf wearing girl behind.

"MIKASA! MOVE!" I shout, turning my head towards her as I realise what's about to happen.

"EREN! NO!" my voice echoes through the town as I feel a gush of wind hit my face. Tiles flying everywhere. The screech of Eren's titan piercing my ears.

The world falls silent...

Just a long ringing in my ears...

I scramble to Mikasa, roaring her name. My voice sounds distant; a quiet whisper trying to burst into a scream.

I lose my train of thought, stopping dead in my tracks. Watching the titan fist remove itself from the roof, the world in slowmotion once more. That seems to be happening a lot lately...

I follow the path of the clenched fist, as it falls back to the side of the beast, that was no longer in control. "What the hell has happened to you Eren?" I stare at him in disbelief, yet I keep my expression blank. I whisper those words to no one, letting the breeze carry them away.

My gaze stays on the boy in the titan body, as I dare not to look at the rubble and destruction he caused. 'He never got Mikasa, he mustn't have gotten Mikasa!' I begin to look towards the corner of my eye. 'I know I hate the girl, but Eren doesn't. He would never forgive himself if he has hurt her!' my thoughts are clear now, maybe a little too clear. It seems like someone is actually whispering them into my ear! 'Come on! Get your ass over there (y/n)! Help the poor girl!' I snap out of my trance and run as fast as my feet can carry me, until the raven haired girl is in my view.

"MIKASA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GO TALK TO HIM! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN GET THROUGH TO HIM!" I scream once more, my voice rough, my throat dry, sounds still distant. "YOU MADE HIM DO IT! I KNOW YOU DID!" the girl screeches at me as she jumps to her feet, shooting me a glare. Her voice also seeming miles away even though she's right her infront of my face.

Her accusation doesn't process in my mind, but too late she's gone and is standing on Eren's nose, yelling in his face. All I can do is stare. My body refusing to move, again. "Come on Eren, I know you're in there!" Mikasa's voice echoes with some passion present for once.

'S**t! He's not listening!' I curse in my mind, as I see the same fist from before flying towards Mikasa again. Trying to get rid of her like a human would swat a fly.

The raven head has quick reactions and escapes the hand before it kills her. I see a flash of crimson and black fly past my face, 'Must be Mikasa.' I think as the girl lands on the rooftop next to mine.

The titan's fist does not stop. Exploding all its power in its own face, causing it to topple backwards, falling limp against the boulder. "Damn it Eren." I begin to move, regaining my senses.

I shoot my hooks into the boulder next to Eren's head, the titan's eyes closed, it's arms motionless. I glide through the air to land on his shoulder, 'Maybe I will have more of a chance of getting through to him!' as I open my mouth to speak, I stop. A line of smoke springs into the sky, grabbing my attention.

"Red smoke!" I mumble to myself, "Wait, that means..." I sit in a slump on the shoulder of the titan, running my hands through my (h/c) hair as I huff. "The plan has failed. They've given up." I dismiss my previous plan to talk to Eren, and just sit there, my hands still knotted in my hair.

"No! We can't have failed!" my voice returns to its normal plain tone, "I won't allow it!"

Well, yeah. So far the plan has failed and you can't do anything about it... Or can you?!


Stay fabulous my little titans!!

(Is it okay to call you guys that? Is it weird or just stupid? 😐)

Laterz 😘

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