Chapter 7

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3rd person P.O.V

'Tch! I have to look after this stupid brat now' (y/n) huffed to herself as she kept her fast pace in front of the now smiling Armin. 'Wow! I get the strongest, smartest, most skilled person I've ever met protecting me!' The blonde cheered to himself in his mind, 'but this just goes to show that I'm a burden on them all...' a tear formed in each of his blue orbs, fighting to dance down his soft cheeks. 'I wonder why she wants to protect me...' Armin asked himself, his thoughts running away from the current situation. 'Oh, she's so cute when she has that determined look about her!' A light pink dust crept onto his cheeks as he brought his hands up to conceal it. Failing miserably. "What's up with you?" (y/n) asked, spinning around and walking backwards. Her face still painted with the same determined expression, "You're too quiet, it's not normal." The (h/c) haired girl, tucked a piece of her soft hair behind her ear, spinning on her heal once more to face the correct way. "O-Oh e-erm it's nothing. I'm okay." He insisted, rubbing the back of his neck.

Neither stopped to check where Eren and Mikasa had disappeared to, they only saw them when they stumbled outside. The two were arguing, Mikasa seeming to be upset about something. She had her iconic red scarf pulled up to her nose as she began to let a tear trickle down her face.

As Armin and (y/n) stepped closer. They overheard Mikasa asking a favor of Eren, "But... I do have a favor to ask... just one... Please ... don't die..." and with those words she ran off to her post. "What was that about? Didn't know you could make that girl cry." The hooded girl smirked, emphasising the word 'that'. "(y/n)! That wasn't very nice!" Armin whisper shouted at (y/n). "That halfwit needs to stop being overprotective of Jaeger. I swear she drives me insane." (y/n) insulted, adjusting her hood and rolling her eyes. "Why do you even care? Everyone knows your just a heartless cow." Horse face called, butting in the conversation. "Oh wow. I didn't know horses could talk." (y/n) returned the insult in her usual monotone voice, folding her arms across her chest, smirking at the expression painted on Jean's face. "Come on guys," Eren sighed, stepping between the two "We have a battle to fight. Can we just get it over and done with." Both Jean and (y/n) rolled their eyes, glaring at each other once more.

As Jean stormed away (y/n) called "Hey horse face! Tell Marco I said stay safe! He's the only brat I can tolerate here!" He waved his hand in a dismissive way, yet still acknowledging her request. "Whatever, (y/n)."

"Hey, (y/n)?" Armin spoke in a soft tone, said girl just hummed in response, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you keep calling us all brats or some sort of other insult?" His voice laced with curiosity. "Well, first off why the hell do you want to know?" "Just curious." Armin replied as himself, Eren and (y/n) strutted to their designated area, "Okay, I guess. Fine then, I don't like people, as you may have guessed and well, it just sort of rolls off the tongue, I guess I picked it up off my parents or something but I'm not quite sure." The hooded girl gazed off into the sky, lost in her thoughts. "Why the hell can't I remember them?" She mumbled to herself in a harsh tone, not knowing about her past raised her stress levels significantly, yet she just had to brush it off for the time being.

Time skip!!
Everyone is on the rooftops, about to charge into battle!
Your P.O.V

As I prepared myself for the worst, keeping myself calm, I couldn't help but overhear a conversation between the two best friends, Eren and Armin. "Hey, Armin." Eren began I'm a soft yet cheerful tone, "This is a good opportunity, don't you think? I mean before applying for the survey corps... If we prove ourselves in the first battle, they'll make us fresh recruits! And watch how fast we get promoted up the ladder!" Eren's grin grew wider, spreading from ear to ear. A smile that seemed to be both mischievous yet determined. "Yeah... no doubt!" Armin agreed, the same smile painted onto his face. "Well, hate to burst your bubble boys!" I butted in. The sun beating down on me as I waltzed over to the pair, pulling down my hood to fix my (h/l) (h/c) hair. "But, your gonna need to kill more titans than me, as I'm also applying for the survey corps!" I taunted, sharing the smile that the boys had earlier, however Eren's had turned to a face of concern.

"No! (y/n)! I can't allow you to do that!" Eren yelled to me, his voice showing clear signs of concern and worry. "Don't waste your shot at life on the interior! You ranked top of the class! Don't throw that away!" I could see and hear that his anger began to build, causing me to roll my eyes and make my famous 'tch' sound. "Listen here you stupid brat." I began in my usual tone, yet a slight hint of annoyance present, "You may be concerned for my safety, you may not be. To be honest, I don't give a damn! But no one, and I mean no one tells me how to live my life. If I want to apply for the survey corps I will, and YOU can't change my mind you idiot." As I went through my words I got closer and closer to Eren, by the end I was holding him by his collar. "Me ranking 1st should be a simple enough reason for me to join the survey corps. Even though I hate people, I still believe humanity should get a fair enough chance of survival. So if I can use my skills, then I will." With a slight push, I released Eren from my grip and put my back towards him. "Focus on your own life Jaeger. Not someone else's."

And with that I heard a yell, "SQUAD 34 ADVANCE!" accompanied by a slight huff from me, as I readjusted my hood once more. The rest cheered in unison as we all dashed off. I lingered at the back, Armin near my side.

"What?!" "That can't be right?!" "All these titans already?!" Many cries of confusion could be heard from my fellow cadets in front. "Normally our 'friends' in the vanguard hog all the action!" I chuckled, ready to fight. Not one bit of fear trickled through my veins. Not one bit.

Well, not one bit until I saw Thomas being held in the creatures mouth! It came out of no where! Snapping up the cadet, holding him in its mouth as if mocking him. The look of fear in the boys eyes actually sent a pain into my chest, yet I kept my stoic expression. "THOMAS!" I heard a few voices yell in sync, 'Don't die you stupid brat!' I screamed in my mind, "We can't loose someone this early!" My voice louder then expected, startling Armin.

Nothing could have prepared us for the feeling of dread and sickness we felt in that moment. The moment the titan tilted its enormous head back, swallowing the terrified boy whole.

That's when we all knew...

We would not survive.

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