Chapter 19

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Your P.O.V

They push us into this practically bare room, just a few pieces of wooden furniture and some crates here and there. Once in the open room fully, they slam the door behind us, closing us in. 'Oh look! A window! Maybe I could get out that way if I get annoyed with these... Ugh. Idiots.' Looking forward we see 3 other figures, a short man with dark hair and foul expression on his face, a woman who looks like a mad scientist with messy hair and thick glasses, and finally, eyebrows. I nod towards the woman and just give the men a hate-filled glare. 'Eyebrows got me into this mess, so I hate him. And short-ass beat up my precious Er- Wait. What the heck am I thinking. The day I actually call Eren precious or even mine, is the day that you know I've lost it! Just act natural (y/n) and act oblivious to everything they have to say.'

Our cuffs are removed, Eren and I sit on the seat, waiting. I bring my knees up to my chin and wrap my arms around my legs, dreading what is going to be said. The dark haired man from earlier, the same one that was beating Eren to a pulp and nearly sent Mikasa flying off the handle, 'What do I mean nearly? She did fly off the handle! She sent me to this hell hole!', anyway, he plops onto the couch, inbetween us both and crosses his legs in a very 'sassy' way, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Something funny Cadet?" he asks in a plain tone, quite similar to my own. "Nope. Just your sassy sitting position." I give an exaggerated smile at the end, just to annoy him, "Tch. Get your feet off the cushions you stupid brat." I stare, amazed. 'Why is he talking exactly like me?' "Have you been following me or something?" I question, sliding my feet to the edge of the seat and onto the floor as I tap my chin with my finger. "Why would you ask that?" he answers my question with a question, causing me to fold my arms and glare at the man. "You must have! How else would you know how I talk AND why are you imitating me?" the stranger turns his head to face forward but shoots a look at me from the corner of his eye. "Hm." is all he says in return, causing me to huff and gaze out the window.

Little did I know, whilst I was having this conversation with the short man, the woman who goes by Hanji was examining Eren's wounds and how they have healed, just like a titan. I open my mouth, about to interrupt their conversation, well more the crazy scientist blabbering on and Eren just nodding every now and again, however the dark haired man, (who I believe is called Levi Ackerman 'Why does that name ring a bell?'), beats me to it and begins sort of interrogating titan brat whilst I get dragged off the seat and to the back of the room with Hanji.

Her eyes gleaming with the desire for knowledge she stares at me, looking deep into my soul. Waiting. A cold shiver runs down my spine, but I quickly shake it off "Erm. Are you okay there?" I ask, waving my hand infront of her face. She nods her head quickly, smiling brightly at me. "Tell. Me. Everything." Hanji has her fingers intertwined infront of her face, a gleam crossing her glasses and hair messy on her head. "There's nothing to tell." I reply in a sharp tone, emphasizing the word 'nothing'. "But it has to be true! This is such a massive development in science! We haven't had something as extraordinary in YEARS!" Hanji raises her arms to reach for the stars and spins on the spot. "Tell me, how does this skill work? Does it work on Eren? Ooooooo! Please tell me you have a titan pet?! I like to keep titans as pets! I KNOW! YOU can help ME with my experiments! It would be so-" she notices the look I am sending her way, a sort of glare yet blank look. 

"You know who you remind me of?" the mad scientist chuckles slightly, coming uncomfortably close to me. 'Doesn't anyone here understand personal space?'. "Who could you possibly be referring to?" sarcasm clear in my voice as I roll my eyes and sigh. "Levi." she replies, gesturing over her shoulder towards his direction. "Oh. Who would've guessed you'd say the short-ass-stalker?" raising her eyebrow and tilting her head slightly, sending me a fairly confused look she asks "Stalker?" to which I roll my eyes and huff one more. "Ugh! It's nothing, just tell him to stop imitating me, or I won't be my usual sweet self!" my last two words I say in a higher tone and flutter my eyelashes, as I try my best to look like an innocent child.

From the corner of my eye I see the raven haired man staring at my head, causing me for a moment to grow self conscious and rag my hood up over my hair. I cast my gaze to the floor, which seems to be quite appealing in this very moment, 'I wanna just lie face first on this floor right now.' I think to myself, 'D-Did he notice it? How long was he staring for?' I bring my head up slightly only to be met by the crazy scientist being awfully close to my face. "AH!" I yelp, leaping backwards. "Don't you people understand personal space?!"

Erwin, or as I prefer to call him, eyebrows, just chuckles at my statement and places a hand on my shoulder, which I shrug off. "I guess you're going to have to get used to it. You're going to be spending an awful lot of time with Hanji here. Mainly running experiments." his voice seeming softer than it was in the court room. Kind of relaxing actually. However that doesn't stop me from cursing at the top of my voice "S**T! I hate science!" I sigh, placing my hands in my pockets and pushing out my bottom lip ever so slightly, making a 'puppy dog' face. "Well! You're gonna learn to love it!"

"Ooo! I can't wait!" I 'cheer' with a lack of enthusiasm in my voice. "Before you start working with s**tty glasses, you can help us with the clean up." Levi comments blankly, a slight smirk gracing his lips.

'Great. Just. Great.'

Hey little titans! (Yes, the nickname  has returned😱)

So, I was just wondering if you guys had any nicknames you'd want to call Hanji in this ... weird... writing... thing I call a story...


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