Chapter 1:Lesson Learned

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I quickly sliced the practice dummy in half with a wooden sword as the timer went off indicating that practice was over. I went inside the monastery that I call my home, then headed to the kitchen. As I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw emerald green eyes.

"Hey Lloyd" I said while going around him. Knowing him, he was probably headed to the game room. I walked in the door that led to the kitchen and saw Zane cooking something, probably dinner. I started rummaging through the refrigerator looking for my frozen yogurt that I always eat after I finish practice, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Zane must've sensed my distress because a few seconds later he said.

"Cole ate your frozen yogurt 10 minutes ago" he informed. I got up from my kneeling position by the fridge, then ran to the boys room where I found Kai doing one handed pushups.

"Ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety..." He seemed to be whispering to himself.

"Kai do you know where..." I was cut off by Kai.

"He's in the game room, but don't tell him that I told you" he answered already knowing my question. I walked to the game room thinking that maybe I could tackle him. 'Yeah that's a great idea' I thought. As I got closer I could hear shouts coming from behind the closed door. Unfortunately the door is very old and creaks so I had a very hard time trying to go unnoticed. When I successfully closed the door behind me without making too much noise,I saw Cole and Jay sitting side by side in front of the TV that they were playing on and I saw Lloyd sitting in the corner of the room and I quickly put my finger to my lips so he would not make my presence known. He, knowing what I was planning, nodded and kept quiet. I walked slowly and carefully until I was almost behind Cole then, out of victory, he jumped up and nearly knocked me over but I quickly recovered. As he was celebrating I jumped on him and he screamed like a little girl. He was caught off guard so we fell to the ground. Once I realized that I was on top of him, I blushed then stood up and held my arm out for him to grab my hand. When we were both standing Cole spoke up.

"What was that for, Kirsten?" He questioned.

"Oh don't play dumb you know why I did that"I said suddenly angry yet I still had a smile on my face.

"I don't know what your talking about, but please tell me why you tackled me" he somewhat demanded in a pleading voice. That's when I got annoyed.

"Cole you ate my frozen yogurt, you know the thing that I always eat after I finish practice" I told him. 'You know sometimes he can be really clueless'.

"Oh yeah that. Sorry I didn't know that it was yours" he said seeming really sorry and not just by his facial features, but in his eyes.

"Its ok I should really start putting my name on it anyways" I said smiling and realizing that he was right.

"Well I guess that is one Lesson Learned"a new voice spoke up.

Hello I'm ninja_of_steel and sorry that my first chapter is a cliffhanger. I just love them so much. Anyways today is Sunday so I will probably post every weekend whether it be Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully I will not forget to update. And if you want to tell me in the comments who do you like better Lloyd, Zane, Cole, Jay,or Kai? Well I will see you guys next week my beautiful ninja.

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