Chapter 5:Love At First Starbucks

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Heyyyy. What's up? If the title confuses you it just means that Kirsten and one other person meet at Starbucks. Ok? You got it? Good. Well anyways enjoy the chapter.


Its been a week since me and Cole went through the portal and I think its nice living here although I don't want to stay cause there is no reason to. Also we've been living here for so long I think Cole is kinda loosing his mind. He hasn't done anything bad and I hope it stays that way. We were walking down the street just wondering around looking at all the buildings and scanning our surroundings. We were looking for any signs that would lead to the rest of our team as we still can't find them and we've been searching for six days. We thought we found them but they were just people who looked like them. Its been really hard and Orlando is really hot. I was looking around and thought I saw Kai but it wasn't.

"Cole can we take a break" I asked the guy in the black ninja gi. He turned around and looked me in the face.

"Kirsten we can't take a break. If we stay here to long then we could be trapped here forever" he said then turned back around and continued walking. I've been putting up with his attitude all week, but I hope it will change.

"Fine you keep looking and I'll take a break" I said calmly and he just kept walking. I stood there for a few minutes and looked for a place where I could rest. So far nothing so I just kept on walking the way Cole went. After about five minutes I spotted a place called Starbucks.

"Starbucks, hmm interesting" I thought aloud. I walked across the street and into the building. Immediately as I walked through the door I smelt coffee. I walked up to the counter and looked at the menu.

"Caramel frappé, no. Java Chip frappé, again no. Mocha frappé, eh ok." As I was reading the menu a girl came over to me.

"Kirsten, is that you." I looked at the girl and realized that it was Kaela.

"Kaela, what are you doing here?" I asked. She laughed slightly.

"I work here as a part time job since I'm in college" she said still laughing a bit. My mouth formed the shape of an o.

"Oh, now I feel kinda stupid" we both laughed.

"So what are you going to get?" She asked. I looked over the menu again and decided to get the Mocha frappé.

"Can I have the Mocha Frappé please." She nodded.

"Ok and what size?" She asked again.

"Uhh what's a grande?" This time it was my turn to be asking questions. She laughed again.

"I can tell you've never been here before, am I right?" She asked and I just nodded then bowed my head in shame.

"Its ok, well the grande is medium" she said with a big smile on her face.

"Ok I'll take that"

"Ok that will be 4.99" she said I handed her a five dollar bill. Now you're probably wondering how I have money. Well you see before me and Cole became ninja we used to be street performers and we are still pretty good at dancing in sync. So we just did that and poof we now have money. After standing there for ten seconds Kaela told me to go sit down. I walked to an empty table and sat down. I was getting weird looks. I haven't really noticed but I think they are staring at what I'm wearing because I'm still in my teal ninja gi. I didn't really care about the stares though because I may look crazy but I'm not, maybe. I was scanning the area when my name was called. I walked up to the counter and Kaela handed me my drink. I said a quick thank you and walked back to my seat. When I was about to sit down someone ran into me spilling their drink all over me.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" a male voice said. I looked up and immediately met with chocolate brown eyes. I could've easily melted right then and there. I've NEVER felt like that before and I don't know what this feeling is, but for some reason I don't want it to go away. I think I may have been staring for too long because the dude started smiling.

"Hello is anybody in there" he asked while slightly laughing. I shook my head a little to shake away the trance that I was in.

"Yeah I'm right here" I said still slightly dazed. I looked down at my gi and the brown haired boy sighed.

"I'm honestly really sorry. I was in a hurry and wasn't looking where I was going" I looked up and smiled at him.

"Its ok it'll come out" I said looked at the giant stain on my gi.

"No its not ok" I looked up.

"At least let me make it up to you" I laughed a little as I remember the same thing happened with Cole.

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt" I said then he hugged me and repeatedly said 'thank you'.

"Ok so meet me here on Saturday at 7:30 pm, ok?" he asked. I nodded as a response. He was about to leave but stopped right as he opened the door. He walked over to my table and leaned closer to me.

"By the way my name is Toby, Toby McDonough" he said then walked out the door. My eyes widened in shock as I also remember Kaela telling me that her friend's name is Toby McDonough. 'You know what I think that there is a now a reason to stay in Orlando. And that's Toby'


Sorry I didn't publish this yesterday. I was thinking that I'm just gonna update whenever I'm ready or the chapter is ready so yeah. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and I also hope you like the story so far. If you do or don't like it please comment and tell me what you think about it. I also(i used that a lot) don't know what to do for Kirsten and Toby's 'date' so in the comments please give me suggestions cause that will really help anyways I will see you all in the next chapter my beautiful ninja.

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