Chapter 19: A Perilous Journey

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It's been six weeks since I discovered my new power and I have been keeping an eye on my friends any chance I could get, but right now I was sitting in my chair that I have grown to love. Hey at least I'm not sitting on the uncomfortable ground. Cane was in here and trying to feed me scraps again, which I refused to have forced down my throat. I think him sighing has become apart of his daily routine because he does it a lot.

"Kirsten you need to ea....." He was cut off when we heard metal against metal. He looked at me then went over to the door and planted his ear on it. He turned to me and pointed his finger at me.

"Don't move I'll be right back" he said and I looked down at my tied legs. Then I looked back up.

"I don't think I'm going anywhere" I replied. He left and I immediately went to work. You see I have a ring that Cole gave me when I first became a ninja. It's the kind of ring that has a tiny knife built in and I use it to get out of tough traps like this. Now you're probably asking why I didn't do this earlier, well I wanted them to think that I wouldn't get out until someone came to get me and I think it worked. The small, silver ring broke through the thick rope around my hands minutes later. I then bent over and untied my legs and walked to the door and almost fell. My legs were really numb but I could walk. I opened the unlocked door, which should be locked when you have a PRISONER but hey I'm not complaining, and walked out. I walked slowly when I heard a sound. It was very faint, but it was definitely someone's voice. I listened closely as the voice got closer. It sounds like....... Cane. Uh oh. I turned and ran around a corner and kept running down the long corridor until I found a door. There was no other way I could go so I thought about how I could get inside. I brushed my hand over the door and felt for a weak spot. It's in the middle of the door. I stood back and kicked the door down. Well tried all I got was a small foot ache. I reached for the handle and turned it. I immediately heard a click sound. It opened. I sighed and pushed the door open so I could walk through. All I saw was a guard underneath a desk. That's Sam. He can be quite scared sometimes. I actually became friends with him. Every time he came to give me food he would actually bring me food that was not eaten off of since he, being a security guard, had access to the kitchen. He always told me how he wanted to quit being evil and help people. But his boss would hunt him down and kill him.

"Sam!" I whisper shouted. He looked up from his position under his desk.

"Kirsten" he said and got off the floor and came to hug me. He pulled back first, but kept his hands on my shoulders.

"What are you doing here? What about Cane?" He asked. He was about to ask another question before I silenced him with my finger.

"I don't care about Cane. I just need to get out of here" I answered. I looked to the door when I heard talking again. But it didn't sound like Cane. I could barely hear their conversation.

"I swear I heard her voice down this hall" said a strange voice. I looked back to Sam and gestured to the desk. He hid under the desk and I hid in a closet that was almost closed. I opened it a little so I could see out of it. Once the people made their way inside I saw someone who I thought I'd never see again. I ran out of the closet and into Toby's arms. He was shocked at first, but eventually wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up and spun me around in a circle. He put me back on the ground and looked into my eyes, then kissed me right on the lips. He pulled back and hugged me again. This time I was the one who pulled back. I looked over to Cole with a sad look on my face. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him and started crying.

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