Chapter 13: A Big Mess And A Friendship Broken

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The words in parentheses are my words and not apart of the story and the outfit on the right is Kirsten's outfit and the one on the left is Kaela's.


Today was the first day that I finally get to visit Kaela's house and then tomorrow she's going to drop me off at the McDonough's. I woke up a little too early. Like 1:00. I'm just so excited that I get to visit Kaela's for the first time. I haven't really got a chance to hang out with her properly. But today I will. I got out of bed and put my glasses on. And if any of you are wondering (you're probably not) my glasses are just plain black but hey it suits me better so if you don't like them then that's your problem. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. I changed and then walked out of the bathroom, then headed to the kitchen. I walked out into the living room to see Zane sitting on the couch. I walked around to sit down next to him and he didn't seem to notice me.

"What are you doing up so early" I said and he finally looked my way. He looked back to the screen.

"I could not sleep" he said. I nodded, then he turned towards me.

"What are you doing up and dressed in different clothes?" He asked me confused. I laughed a little.

"Do you remember Kaela?" He nodded "Well I'm going to her house today and I guess I was too excited" I finished. I got up and went into the kitchen. I turned around and saw Zane following me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to cook for you" he said. I smiled.

"Ok, but you have to let me help" I said and this time he smiled. After we got all of the ingredients we started making pancakes. He poured everything that needed to be poured and he told me to mix it together so I did. After a few minutes of me stirring, I got really bored and since Zane is a robot I decided to show him what fun is. I got some pancake batter on my finger and while he was pouring some of the pancake batter onto a pan I swiped my finger, that had pancake batter on it, over his cheek. He looked at me a little surprised.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. I laughed.

"Because it's funny" I replied and laughed some more. I bent over laughing and when I started calming down I leaned back up and instantly my cheek was covered in batter. I saw Zane in front of me doubling over in laughter.

"Oh two can play at this game" I muttered quietly. I walked over to where we had two bowls of pancake batter and dipped my hand in the one to the right. I walked over to Zane with a handful of batter and bent down (cause he is on the floor) and put my batter covered hand on his face. He immediately stopped laughing. After a few seconds we both ran to the bowls and started throwing batter at each other. I threw some at him and it landed on his torso. He threw some at me and it landed in my hair. After a few more minutes of throwing batter, the door to the bedroom opened.

"What in the world" a voice said. We turned around and saw Jay. Me and Zane both had worried looks on our faces.

"Jay, it is not what it looks like" Zane said. Jay was still speechless. I looked around at the mess we made. There was batter on the floor, the walls, the counter. Everywhere. I looked back at Jay who had a disappointed look on his face.

"I can't believe you guys did this..........without me!" He said and a smile instantly found its way to my face. Jay was walking to the bowl of batter and slipped on a piece of batter on the floor. He fell backwards and I started laughing so hard. Jay looked up at me with a sad look on his face, then he immediately burst out laughing. Me and Zane laughed along with him. I held out my arm so I could help him up. He grabbed my arm but, instead of me helping him up, he pulled me down. I landed on top of him while laughing. After a few minutes of laying there I put my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It calmed me down completely and made me want to fall asleep. As I was about to be swept away by the darkness the door opened. I looked up and saw Cole standing in the doorway with a mad look on his face. I immediately stood up without any trouble, but Jay didn't have the luck I had as he slipped as soon as he stood up. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. Then I looked at Cole. He still looked angry. I stopped laughing and helped Jay up. Once we were both standing up Cole spoke.

"You two clean this mess up, I need to speak with Kirsten" he said to all three of us. Cole started walking towards the room that Jay was previously in as I followed close behind and closed the door. He sighed and massaged his head with his thumb, pointer, and middle finger. He turned around while doing so.

"Look I don't want to be the bad guy here, but what were you doing, you are a mess and not to mention the kitchen. Kirsten what were you thinking" he ranted. I looked at him before answering confidently.

"It's called having fun, maybe you've heard of it" I said as I crossed my arms. He sighed again.

"Kirsten we don't have time for fun. We have to find the rest of our team. We also have to locate the hooded lady and end her evil schemes once and for all. Do think we have time for fun!" He yelled. He's never yelled at me before. It kinda scared me. A tear ran down my now pale cheek. I saw his face soften a little.

"No, but I do think that we need a new leader" I said and he now had a sad look on his face, but I just turned to the door. I pulled the door open and Zane, Jay, and Nya fell into the room. I rolled my eyes at them, then went to the bathroom and took a shower. After getting all of the batter off of me and out of my hair I put on some clean clothes, then I went to put my dirty clothes in the washing machine. I went to sit on the couch, but saw Cole sitting there so I just went back to my room and started reading a new book I got called Here, There Be Dragons (this is an actual book I got over my 'family vacation' its pretty good so far). After about maybe 5 minutes my phone started ringing.

*conversation over phone*

Ka: hey this is Kaela when am I supposed to pick you up

Ki: uhh well I had a bit of a predicament so I'd say around noon oh and by the way what are you doing up so early it's 5 am

Ka: well I was just too excited so I woke up early

Ki: me too so I'll see you at noon, ok

Ka: ok see you soon bye

Ki: bye

*end of conversation*

Then I hung up. Around lunchtime Kaela came over and we were both wearing hoodies that said thing 1 and thing 2 it was awesome. We both walked out of my apartment building and to her car. I leaned my head on the window. 'Hopefully these next few days will help me forget about my fight with Cole' I hoped and soon drifted of to sleep.

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