Chapter 2:Time For Battle

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Hello guys the picture above is Kirsten's eye color ok?Ok. Well please enjoy this chapter.


I turned around and saw Sensei Garmadon, Sensei Wu, and Misako standing in the door way. I made a fist with one hand and put it against the palm of my other hand and bowed along with all of the other ninja in the room. After they left we went back to what we were doing. I was about to leave the room until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Cole.

"I truly am sorry about..." I cut him off

"Cole its Ok you're already forgiven" I said reassuring him. He just sighed.

"Kirsten, it was wrong of me to eat something that wasn't mine. At least let me do something for you" he pleaded. It was at that moment when I realized how big of a softie he actually is. I looked down for a moment then looked back up. As soon as I did I saw Cole with his adorable puppy eyes. When I saw that I immediately caved in.

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt" right when I said that he jumped up in happiness. Then he hugged me repeating the words 'Thank you'. A few seconds later Kai came into the room.

"Its time for dinner" he said not really caring if we heard him or not. Me, Cole, Jay, and Lloyd walked out of the game room then headed to the dining room. The minute everyone sat down with their spaghetti, they separated into their own conversations. Since they were doing their thing I started talking to Cole.

"So, what are you going to do for me" I asked in the nicest way possible trying not to sound like I was treating him like my slave. He started thinking for a moment.

"Well I was thinking that maybe I could take you on a picnic by your favorite tree, you know the one at the park" I nodded, "yeah there". I nodded trying not to look to eager to go on a picnic 'date' with him. He smiled, happy that I agreed. He opened his mouth again to speak.

"I was thinking that we could go around lunchtime tomorrow, how does that sound?" He questioned me waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I said.

"Ok so I will pick you up tomorrow at noon"

"You know where my room is" I said then we both laughed at my comment. When we were finished talking and eating we put our plates in the dishwasher, then I went to my shared room with Nya. I sat on my bed reading 'How To Train Your Dragon' and so far its a really good book. I was about finished with chapter 5 when Nya walked in the door.

"So what's going on between you and Cole" she said. Then I looked up and saw her wiggling her eyebrows. Then I laughed.

"Oh nothing is going on between me and Cole, its just he ate my yogurt earlier and felt really bad after he found out and he wants to do something for me so he is taking me on a picnic tomorrow at noon." After all of that came out of my mouth she kinda looked upset but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Ok well have fun on your picnic" she winked then went to bed. I turned my lamp on and read for a couple more hours then went to bed as well.

**********the next day at 11:59*********

I stroked my hair one last time then looked at the clock. ' It is now 12:00'. Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door and saw Cole.

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