Chapter 10: Two Found, Two More To Go

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Recap from previous chapter:

"I have one more question" he continued

"Ok, what is it?" I asked eager to know his question.

"Weren't you wearing glasses the first time we met?" He asked very curiously. 'Uh oh' I thought.



Before I could say anything I heard a crash outside. Everyone in the building ran to the window to see what happened, but me being 5'5 and everybody else being taller I couldn't see anything. I headed to the door and walked outside and saw two cars smashed together. There was a red Mustang with two black lines in the middle of the roof of the car and a black Chevrolet. Nothing was on fire ,thank goodness. I walked up to the red car, and looked in the window and saw no one in the car. 'Strange' I walked to the other car and since the windows were tinted I could barely see anything, but I saw a silhouette of a person. I tried opening the door, but it seemed to be locked.

"Kirsten!" I turned around and saw Toby running towards me. Once he got to me I spoke.

"The doors locked and there's someone inside, but I'm pretty sure he's not alive" I said looking over the door trying to find a weak spot. I ran my hand over the door and closed my eyes. Then all of the sudden I heard Nya's voice in my ear.

"The middle of the door should be the weakest point." She said.

"Ok but what about the person inside" I asked her. I could sense that Toby was confused.

"He's alive but barely, you need to bring him to me. Oh and Kirsten.....don't hurt him." She answered. I stood up and got ready to knock the door off of its hinges when Toby stopped me.

"Why were you talking to yourself" then I just showed him my earpiece and he nodded. His phone started ringing so he left to take it after he said goodbye. I got ready again and kicked the door and it fell off. The person inside was someone I'd never expect.

"Jay!" I almost shouted. He didn't answer me. 'Cause he's knocked out, remember' I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the car. Once I did I saw that he had cuts and bruises all over his face and some of his blue gi has been torn and I saw a big cut on his leg. I tried carrying him, but he was just to heavy so he fell to the ground. A few minutes after trying I gave up and sat down on the ground. I looked around wondering why the cops haven't shown up yet. I let out a sigh as I waited for either Cole or Nya to help me get Jay. About an hour later I'm still sitting here when I heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah she's amazing. Just wait until you meet her." I turned around and saw Toby and two other boys. One had blonde hair and he was the shortest of all three of them and the other one had either black or dark brown hair, I can't really tell the difference, and he was shorter than Toby but taller than the blonde one. They walked in the door and left me alone outside. 'They probably didn't see me' I thought. A few minutes later I stood up and was about to drag Jay to the apartment building which is like a five minute walk, but it may take longer when you are dragging someone until I saw hands going to Jay's arms and lifting him. I looked up and saw beautiful blue eyes. After a few minutes of staring I recognized him as the blonde that was with Toby.

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