Chapter 6:Another Date Ruined

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Hey look who's back with another chapter. Hope you like this one put a lot of effort into this. Oh and I have an announcement at the end. Anyways enjoy the chapter.


It is finally Saturday and I'm getting ready for mine and Toby's date tonight. Ooohhh I can't wait I'm so excited. Its maybe about 6:30 and I'm starting to get ready. I know its a lot later than normal girls would start but being a ninja for a year I don't wear makeup so I'm not going to be using any. I took a twenty five minute shower and blow dried my hair. I'm leaving my hair naturally and leaving my glasses on. I put clothes and shoes on then headed to the door. Before I could walk out the door someone spoke up.

"And just where do you think you're going" Cole asked. I just rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Cole I already told you that I'm going on a date" I said slightly annoyed. He just laughed a little.

"Kirsten I was just kidding. You know I like to do that." He said then laughed slightly. I ended up laughing a little as well. I hugged Cole goodbye then walked out the door then headed to Starbucks. When I got there I saw Toby sitting in the corner of the building. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He looked up and smiled instantly.

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm ready, the question is are YOU ready?" I said and he just laughed. I joined him and laughed a little. Then he stood up and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and stood up then we both headed out the door. While we were walking lots of people walking by kept saying 'Aww' but I don't know why. We walked a little further and soon we entered a park. It was the very same park that me and Cole went to on our first day in Orlando. I was very surprised that he would take me here. I turned around and saw Toby just looking around like he was trying to find something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked. He looked at me then looked away still trying to find it.

"I'm looking for a tree" he said and I immediately knew what tree he was talking about.

"Follow me" I said then grabbed his hand and took off running in a certain direction. When I finally stopped in front of my favorite tree I let go of Toby's hand and turned to him. He looked surprised.

"How did you know which tree I was talking about?" He asked still surprised. 'My ninja senses' I thought.

"Just a wild guess" I said. He nodded and walked up to the tree and sat down. I saw something that looked red and white so I walked closer to it and saw a picnic. 'This is just like my 'date' with Cole'. I thought. I must have been staring for a while because Toby had a saddened look on his face.

"Do you not like it?" He asked quite sadly. I looked at him immediately.

"No,I love it. Its just I have a memory of this exact moment at this exact place" I said.

"Oh so you have a boyfriend?" He sounded even more sad.

"No! I don't have a boyfriend its just...well. Here sit down and I'll tell you." I walked over to the tree and sat down. Then I told him all about the incident with Cole excluding the fact that I'm a ninja and I'm from another dimension. He seemed to understand all of it.

"And then I met you and you know the rest" I finally ended. I went to grab the last donut when I heard a scream. It was a very high pitched one like you would here in a horror movie. I stood up and tried to locate where the sound was but since Nya is no where to be found she can't tell me the where scream came from.

"What was that?" Toby asked as the scream ended.

"It was a scream, Toby" I said.

"Duh I knew that but where did it come from?" I looked around when I heard another scream. This one sounded familiar like it was someone I knew.

"I' right back" I told Toby then walked to a building a few meters from where Toby was then went inside. I went to the bathroom to change into my ninja gi.

"Ninja go!" I somewhat shouted in a whisper voice then I was replaced with a teal, human sized tornado. After a second my clothes were replaced with my teal ninja gi, then I walked out of the bathroom after I put my hood on. I walked out of the building then ran over to where Toby was standing.

"Citizen have you heard a scream" I said then Toby looked at me like I was a stranger.

"Umm who are you" oh he's probably never seen a ninja before.

"Never mind that do you know where the scream came from?" I asked him. He just pointed to a direction and I followed after I said thanks. I kept going in that direction until I came to a building. It was very old looking and since it was almost dark I couldn't see much detail. I walked closer and saw a silhouette of a person standing close to the door I walked closer as quietly and quickly as possible. I was right behind the person then I jumped on their back and the person screamed. Right then I knew that the person was Cole.

"Cole what are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper.

"I heard a scream coming from this building" he whispered back. I nodded but he couldn't see. We walked closer to the door and tried opening it but it made a really loud noise.

"Great how are we going to get in if it makes so much noise. We'll get caught even before we can get in" I said frustrated. I waited for a minute before Cole spoke up.

"I don't know, Kirsten. I honestly don't know" Cole answered. I just sighed and started looking around. After a few seconds a little bit of light shining through an open window. I tapped Cole and pointed to the window. He nodded and since the window was on the top floor we had to climb all the way up the outside wall. Once we got inside we saw that the light was coming from a TV. Once Cole turned it off it was almost pitch black except for a light that was shining through the door. We walked out the door and came to a balcony. I looked over the side and tried looking for something, but couldn't see anything. We walked down the staircase and started looking around the partially dark room. Cole looked in the left part of the room and me on the right. There wasn't much in the room so it was easier to find 'hidden' things. I squinted through the darkness and saw a black door frame. I looked in Cole's direction and called out his name in a whisper. A few seconds later he appeared in front of me and he seemed to have saw the door because he walked forward through the door. I followed him and closed the door. Suddenly the lights came on and I looked around frantically and saw Cole near a light switch. I let out a huff of air that I didn't know that I was holding. Then I saw something that I didn't expect to see. What I saw was....


So how was it. Good? Bad? Both? Tell me in the comments. Also I had an idea. My idea is that at the end of every chapter I will ask you what I should put in the next chapter and you comment your suggestions ad I will read them and maybe put them in the next chapter. You could suggest a really small detail or it could be a really big thing. If you like that please vote and comment your suggestions. Well I'm gonna go. See you in the next chapter my beautiful ninja.✋

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