Chapter 16: A Big Surprise

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Last night was awesome. 1:because I'm officially Toby's girlfriend, and no one knows quite yet, and 2: I got to know the McDonough brothers a little more then I already did and I also found out their birthdays. Including Kaela's and today we are throwing her a surprise birthday party to celebrate her turning 19. Ok so the plan is that I am going to keep Kaela busy by walking around the city and doing different things. I can't wait and Connor just called Cole and asked him and the others to come down to their house to help them decorate for the big day while I am being driven to Kaela's house since I have no idea where it is. And you won't believe who's in the driver seat.

"So you remember the plan, right?" Toby asked me.

"Yes Toby don't worry. I've got this under control remember I'm a ninja." I answered and looked at him. He looked at me and smiled, then looked back at the road.

"And that's why I love you" he said which made me smile. After a few more minutes we had finally arrived at Kaela's house. I unbuckled and leaned over to kiss Toby's cheek, then opened the door and got out. I walked up to Kaela's apartment door and knocked.

"Coming" she yelled through the door. A few seconds later she opened the door. I smiled at her.

"Hey" I was the first one to speak.

"Kirsten, hey what are you doing here?" She asked. I just shrugged. She moved aside to let me in and I saw that our fortress was still standing.

"I see no invaders took over our kingdom" I said and looked at her. We both laughed and she shook her head.

"Nope they didn't. I guess that they're too scared of me" we laughed again. I walked inside to see that everything was still there. Kaela followed me. When we were both sitting down I decided to go on with the plan.

"How about we go out today and do random things?" I questioned. She smiled and nodded. We both stood up and walked out of the fort and she went to get ready. After about thirty minutes we left to go and get some lunch cause boy were we hungry. She drove us to Wendy's and we talked about girl things along the way, but I didn't tell her about me being Toby's girlfriend yet because today is about her not me. We finally got to Wendy's and walked in. I ordered and paid for our food and she picked out a table. We sat down and enjoyed our meal until she asked a question that I didn't really want to answer yet.

"So how was last night with the guys?" She asked. I nodded.

"Pretty good. I got to know them a little more" I answered somewhat telling the truth. She nodded her head and continued eating her chicken nuggets. I looked around and saw random people talking, but one thing caught my eye. I saw blonde hair that kinda reminded me of Lloyd but he was turned around so I couldn't see his face.

"I'm going to refill my drink ok" I told her and she nodded. I got up out of the hard, uncomfortable chair and went to the drink despenser thingy. When I was walking around some other chairs and tables I looked over to where I think I saw Lloyd  and there he was sitting with Kai and eating a chicken sand which. As I was refilling my drink I heard my name.

"Do you think that girl is Kirsten" Kai whispered.

"I don't know it kinda looks like her" Lloyd whispered back. I smiled at their weirdness. I turned around to face the two boys.

"You know its kinda rude to talk about people when they can hear you" I said and they looked at me with wide smiles on their faces.

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