Chapter 21: A Battle That Will Be Remembered

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I looked at her with my mouth open wide. She looked at me with a fierce look on her face. I felt someone come up behind me.

"Why" I said with tears in my eyes. She looked at me with an evil smirk on her face.

"I thought you were dead" I continued. She looked down and laughed.

"Well I guess you never knew me. I never really liked your father and I wanted nothing that reminded me of him. Including you. So I faked my death and went into hiding and for all these years I was planning to destroy our world and make every single person bow down before me. I wanted to make the world like me and let evil reign forever" she said. I looked down as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You're just like my dad, when he was evil" I heard Lloyd say from my left side. I looked to him and frowned.

"Me, like Garmadon. You're crazy boy because, unlike him, I will succeed and I can't be revived and turn good again because that sword that struck me turned me evil and there is no cure!" she shouted. I raised my hand to wipe a few tears from my eyes.

"Dad died" I said and looked up. She looked at me with a surprised look on her face.

"What" she said barely above a whisper.

"He died in a shooting at Ninjago mall" I looked down again "we went to stop the shooter, but when we got there the shooter already had what he wanted and was gone. We looked around searching for any survivors. There were few and as we were walking out and I saw dad near the entrance of the building" I looked up to see tears in my moms eyes. She walked closer to me and tried hugging me, but I ran to Toby who was right behind me. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. I heard shuffling behind me. I turned around and saw my mom with an angry look on her face. She looked at Toby.

"Who is this" she asked sternly. I looked up to Toby's brown eyes. I turned to face my mom again.

"Mom, this is Toby. My boyfriend" she had a disgusted look on her face.

"You have a boyfriend, when did this happen" I looked at Toby again.

"Umm maybe ten weeks ago" she looked at me like she was going to hurt me and sure enough she was. She got into a fighting stance and quickly shot a black lightning bolt out of her mechanical, greyish glove that looked like it was made of a light material. But just as quickly as she shot out lightning, I got out my bo staff and deflected it back to her. She dodged it with ease and shot two more lightning bolts at me. One bolt bounced off of my weapon, but I was not fast enough to block the other one so it hit my leg. In the exact same spot where Cane sliced the sword through my leg. I dropped my staff and fell to me knee while putting my hand over where her bolt hit me. Toby leaned down right beside me asking if I was ok. I removed my hand and on it was the same blood that I despised. More and more poured out. While I was sitting there on one knee while holding my hurt one, the others started to fight my mom. She shot some more lightning that was headed for Cole, but he did a back flip and dodged it with ease. It was like it all happened in slow motion. Lightning bolts were being thrown and dodged all around me. It was happening so quickly that I couldn't keep up. Soon enough my mom called in her minions to help fight. Something wasn't right. I had a feeling that she wasn't going for me. Wait......where's Toby. I stood up slowly due to me leg injury and started roaming through everyone who was fighting and looked for Toby. I almost got hit as Cole avoided a large stick that someone had thrown, but I managed to move out of the way. I couldn't seem to find them at all. I headed inside where I could hear faint fighting. I was loosing so much blood that I could barely hear anything. Then I saw something that I never want to see again.

"No!" I shouted and used all my strength to run to my brown haired boyfriend who was being held by his neck just barely hovering over the ground. My mom had a tight grip around his neck and his face was turning a dangerous purple color. She had held The Black Blade in her left hand and Toby in her right. She was about to pierce his chest, but I managed to push him out of my mom's grip just in time. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Everything was blurry, but I could see my mom pulling her hood over her face and running away never to be seen again. I looked to my right side and saw Toby running towards me. He bent down to my level and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. My hearing has left me for now and soon everything went black.


I really love cliffhangers. Hey guys, ninja_of_steel and wow one more chapter left and this will be over. I'm actually kinda sad that this story is almost done. I'll probably upload the last chapter tomorrow so..........................yeah. Well I'm going to ask you to tell me what the sequel should be about. Should it be first person, second person, third person. Most preferably the first one and the last one. I'm really going to miss this one. Are you? You can answer in the comments. Well I'm gonna go so I will see you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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