Chapter 9: News And Explanations

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I was sitting on the couch watching a show called Tom and Jerry when my phone started ringing. I looked at the id and saw that Toby was calling me. I pressed answer and put the phone up to my ear.

T: Hey are you doing anything
K: Yeah I'm watching Tom and Jerry. Why?
T: Turn it to the news and fast
K: Ok? I'm turning it now

I kept the phone to my ear and watched the news channel. A man came on with tanned skin and a deep voice.

"Breaking news, last night someone named Dakota Blackwell heard fighting in an abandoned building and said that three people walked out a little while later. She described the people's clothing as something ninja would wear. She also said that there were two girls cause they were wearing skirts. She said one was a maroon type of color, one was black and the last one was a beautiful teal color. And it seems that the one wearing teal was injured in her leg. If anyone knows who these 'ninja' are you need to contact us immediately. Over to you Scott." Then I turned the TV off. 'I'm on the news'. I must've forgotten that I was on the phone with Toby because he cleared his throat.

T: Well
K: Uh why did you want me to see that
T: Because the first day I met you, you were wearing teal ninja clothing. So I wanted to know if you are the teal ninja
K: Ok so first its a ninja gi and two yes I'm a ninja, but you can't tell anybody
T: Aww why not
K: Because my identity needs to be a secret, ok? No one can know that I'm a ninja or else my enemies will hunt me down
T: Oh. So what happened to your leg
K: Ugh is there a place we can meet up
T: Yeah meet me at Starbucks in five minutes, ok?
K: Ok meet you then, bye
T: Bye

I hung up the phone and changed into a black shirt that said 'Don't fear my Awesomeness' in white letters and some bleached jean shorts. I put my white converse on and brushed my dirty blonde hair. I took my glasses off and put on my contacts and sunglasses. I grabbed my wallet and walked out the door.

*5 minutes later*

I walked into Starbucks and went to the counter and ordered a Mocha Frappé and waited for my drink to be ready. Once I had my drink I looked around and saw Toby sitting at a table in the corner of the building and walked up to him. I sat next to him and and started sipping my drink. He seemed to be looking through Instagram.

"Hey" I said trying to get his attention. He looked and smiled.

"Hey" he said as he put his phone on the table. I started staring at a random person that was outside on his phone. I was about to ask myself what I thought he was doing, but Toby spoke first.

"So are you gonna tell me" he questioned. I nodded and told him everything about how me and Cole went into that building and helped my teammate, Nya, and also how the leader dude cut my leg with a mythical sword and that's pretty much it. I didn't want to tell him that I was slowly turning evil. It would break our friendship.

"Ouch I'm so sorry, I hope it gets better quickly" he said and I nodded in agreement.

"I have one more question" he continued.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked eager to know his question.

"Weren't you wearing glasses the first time we met?" He asked very curiously. 'Uh oh' I thought.



Hello guys, it's ninja_of_steel and I'm back with another chapter. I'm kinda going off of my original storyline and making another so I'm going to tell you my new and improved (it's probably not to improved, but hey who cares) storyline. Anyways I was thinking that this story is going to be based on Kirsten and Cole's friendship more than Kirsten and Toby's, BUT I'm going to make some chapters just about Kirsten and Cole and some others about just Kirsten and Toby. Ok? Ok good. Well I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you beautiful ninja turtles in the next chapter.✋

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