Chapter 8: Everything Is Gonna Be Okay

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It was early in the morning when I woke up. Maybe around 2am. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. If your wondering about my leg and how I couldn't walk last night well, I'm hopping on one leg. I opened the fridge and got some milk, then hopped over to the third cabinet away from the fridge and grabbed a cup. Then I hopped over to the one cabinet on the other side of the fridge and grabbed some oreos. While I was enjoying my midnight snack I heard tapping on one of the windows. Thinking it was just a tree, I ignored it. When I had one oreo in my hand and was about to dip it in milk, I heard a crash and accidentally dropped my oreo into my milk.

"Come back" I whispered to nothing but the oreo. After I came to my senses and realized that maybe someone broke in I went to where I heard the crash. I hopped really slow, which is very hard, and was almost at the living room door. I grabbed my bo staff and walked in the door. I saw a black silhouette and its back seemed to be turned to me because it didn't notice I was there. I got closer and closer until I tried wacking him in the head, but he turned around and grabbed my staff. He tried taking it away from me, but it zapped him and he fell to the ground.

"Well done it seems that you have passed my test, but be aware for more are to come" a deep, male voice echoed. It sounded like he was in the room, but at the same time he wasn't. Do you know what I mean. Then I looked to where the person was, but he was gone.

"Where did he go. He just vanished" I said to no one. After a few minutes of standing there I felt another intense pain in my leg and screamed, not to loudly but loud enough to wake up Cole and Nya, and my two friends came running in to help. Cole turned the light on and Nya helped me stand up. She took me to my bed and laid me down. She and Cole began to ask me questions and I told them everything. How I was having a midnight snack, the intruder, the deep male voice, how the intruder disappeared and that's pretty much it. I started crying slightly because of my leg and the thoughts running through my head.

"It's okay Kirsten. Everything is gonna be okay." Nya whispered in my ear while she was hugging me. I was still crying when she let go and went to bed.

"I'm really worried about you, Kirsten" Cole said. I looked down and a tear fell onto my covers. I heard some shuffling and soon Cole was holding my hand. He sat on the bed and lifted my head with his finger under my chin. He looked into my eyes and sighed.

"Like Nya said everything will be fine just don't turn evil" he said and removed his finger from my chin. I continued looking into his soft, brown eyes.

"I'm not making any promises" I said to him. He looked down, sad that he couldn't do anything about it.

"Can you help me get to the bathroom?" I asked him without hesitation. He nodded and helped me walk to the door. I walked in and closed the door. I looked in the mirror, turned the water on and washed my face. When I looked back at the mirror and my once icy blue eyes were now fully black. You couldn't see any white or blue at all.

"Yeah everything is gonna be okay".


Hello there sorry this one is poop, I couldn't think of what to write so yeah. Well i hope you liked it oh and comment what i should put in the next chapter cause that'll help me a lot. Well I will see all of you beautiful ninja pancakes in the next chapter. (Sorry I called you pancakes, I'm just really hungry. I should go eat. Yeah that's a great idea. Well bye.)

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