Chapter 7:Evil Is Rising

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Recap from previous chapter:
I followed him and closed the door. Suddenly the lights came on and I looked around frantically and saw Cole standing near a light switch. I let out a huff of air that I didn't know that I was holding. Then I saw something that I didn't expect to see. What I saw was...


"Nya! Is that you?" I asked as she looked up and hope filled her eyes. She tried saying something, but I couldn't understand as she had tape covering her mouth. She nodded her head to something behind us and we turned around to see some of the Hooded Figure's minions. Me and Cole stood in front of Nya and got ready to fight. Cole whispered and told me to untie Nya. I did and all three of us stood in a fighting position. It was three against three and we waited to see who was going to make the first move.

"You know its really sad that one of you might get hurt." The minion in the middle said as he pulled out a black edged sword. I gasped. 'I thought that the black edged sword was a myth' I thought.

"It is said that whoever is struck by the sword will slowly turn evil and there is no cure. Even the slightest touch the venom will slowly creep into every single part of your body and then take you over. Then you will have no choice but to do evil's bidding." He ended while the other two just got ready for something. The middle minion nodded and the one to the left pounced at Cole, but he did Spinjitzu and immediately knocked him off balance and Cole held him onto the ground. The one to the right headed toward Nya, but she kicked him and also held him to the ground. The one in the middle walked towards me slowly, so slowly it scared me. I backed up a little.

"You know I was always very fond of you. Out of all of you ninja I think you're my favorite." He said once he was right in front of me and I could smell his breath. It smelled of old cheese and tuna which is definitely not a good mix. I was about to punch him in the face, but I felt a pain in my leg. I looked down to see that he sliced the sword through my skin and blood was seeping through. But something was off about it. My blood was black.

"KIRSTEN!" Cole yelled and got off of the minion and ran to me. I fell to the ground and Cole held me in his arms. Nya got off and tried going after the minions 'leader', but was held back by Cole. They soon went out the door, but not before he said.

"I will look forward to seeing you again Teal Ninja, but for now goodbye." He said and I tried going after him but as soon as I stood I fell back down. Cole helped me stand up and walk out of the building, but as soon as he realized that he was dragging me he picked me up and carried me to our apartment. He laid me on the bed then left the room and Nya helped me change into more comfortable clothes. I took my glasses off and put them on the bedside table and was about to go to sleep, but couldn't as Nya still had the lamp turned on. I took one look at my wound and saw black smoke coming out. I sighed. 'What am I going to do now' I asked myself.


Hello ninja_of_steel here and I just wanted to say thank you to BYEbae19 for helping me with the first part of this chapter so thank you so much. I'm also trying something new with the page thing so if you like what I did please tell and if you didn't again tell me. And I hope you liked this chapter it took me awhile to think of the name for the sword, but it's all good. And thank you so much for 100 views. It means a lot. So I'm gonna go and I will see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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