Chapter 12: Nightmares Begin

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I was walking home around midnight when I heard the sound of a chainsaw starting up. I turned around and saw a headless man with a chainsaw for a hand and a wooden leg. I tried screaming but a hand covered my mouth. Then I tried turning around, but the person's grip tightened around me. Then I felt something pierce my neck and I soon realized that the person holding me was a vampire. The vampire finally let me go and I fell to the ground. I looked up and saw a silhouette of a man a few inches in front of me. It wasn't until he bent down when I realized that the vampire was...................Toby.


I woke up screaming and frantically looked around but calming down after I realized that it was just a nightmare. While I was still trying to steady my breathing I felt arms tightening around me, but I didn't scream...well i tried at least. I woke up everyone that was sleeping. I sat up and realized that Toby had his arms around me. 'Oh I forgot that they were staying here tonight' I looked around and saw Riley, Kaela, and Connor were on top of each other on the floor and Nya, Jay, and Cole were standing up and Zane was still asleep. I turned around and saw Toby's worried face.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and started crying. Toby wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder.

"I had.....a night...mare" I sobbed. He spoke the words 'I'm here' and 'It's going to be okay' quietly in my ear which actually calmed me down a little. I let go of him and sat with my back against the couch. A single tear was running down my face and Toby removed it with his thumb, then he looked into my blue eyes. Worry could be seen in his eyes. I smiled to reassure him that I was ok, but he didn't believe it.

"What was it about?" He asked. I looked up to the others, then they nodded and left. I looked back at Toby and he nodded for me to continue. I looked down trying to think of what to say.

"I was walking alone in the woods when I heard the sound of a chainsaw revving up. I turned around and saw a headless man with a chainsaw for a hand and a wooden leg." I paused" then I tried screaming but a hand covered my mouth........I tried turning around but the grip around me tightened. Then something pierced my neck and I fell to the ground. I turned around and saw a vampire, but there was something about him that reminded me of..........of you" I said and finally looked up as I had gotten the last few words out. Toby looked saddened that the vampire reminded me of him. He looked down and off to the side. I tried looking at his eyes but he moved again so I couldn't see his beautiful brown orbs that even make chocolate jealous. I leaned down a little and kissed his cheek and they immediately turned red. I smiled at how cute he looked. He looked back up at me.

"Why did you have a nightmare?" He quizzed. I looked down again and shook my head.

"I don't know, but hopefully that will be the first and the last" but little did I know that this was the first of many.


Dun dun dun. Well hey there, ninja_of_steel here hopefully you like this chapter and if you did please vote and comment. You don't have to be shy. Tell me how you liked this chapter and I will see you in the next one and remember you're beautiful.

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