Chapter 4:Friendships Are Real

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Hello guys just wanted to tell you about the picture above. Yes it is a tree,but it's Kirsten's favorite tree. That's all I have to say now please enjoy the story.


"I've never heard of planet Earth, it sounds so different" I said still looking around the beautiful park. Then I saw something that blew my mind.

"Cole isn't that my favorite tree" I asked really confused. He looked in the same direction that I was looking and when he saw the tree he looked really surprised. 'So it isn't my imagination' I thought. I walked up to it and put my hand on it's trunk and, me being the ninja of nature, I could feel a source of power. I looked back at Cole and had a big smile on my face. He looked at me and gave me a smile. I could tell he was tired and yet he still had the strength to give me a smile, granted it was a small smile, but hey a smiles a smile no matter how small. I walked back to Cole and hugged him as tight as I possibly could cause I don't want to let him go.

"You know you never told me why that tree is your favorite" Cole stated.

"You know what your right I think it's time to tell you why it is my favorite" Cole stopped us as we started walking and I don't know why. We turned around and walked up to the tree and sat down. I looked over to Cole and saw his face telling me to continue.

"Ok so I've never told anyone this and I don't want you to tell anybody, ok?" He nodded so I continued.

"Well when we first met when we were in 5th grade we would always end up coming here, no matter what we needed to do whether it was doing school work or we just needed a break to talk about what was going on in our lives. This was also my mother's favorite tree. Before she died we would always come here. Ever since I could walk she always brought me here. After she died I would come here everyday and I could still feel her presence. I know she is watching over me anywhere I go. Even to a different dimension." I laughed a little. I didn't realize that I was crying until Cole wiped away a tear with his thumb then pulled me into a hug as I continued to cry into his shoulder.

"I miss her so much" I said through the tears. I kept crying for a couple hours. This is why I love Cole. No matter how long I cry he's always there for me. He is an amazing friend and I don't know how I would've survived without him. He's my best friend and I love him very much. I'm an only child and he's like the older brother that I never had. I'm glad he is. A few minutes later I found myself drifting into darkness as sleep took over my entire body and mind.


I slowly awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I sat up and realized that I was in a bed. In a room. That I had never seen before. All alone.

"Cole?" I questioned quietly.

"Cole?" I said a little louder.

"Cole!?" I nearly shouted. After a few minutes I heard heavy footsteps getting closer. I sighed in relief as I saw Cole walk in the door with a plate of food. Another reason I like Cole. He brings me food in bed.

"Here you are your Highness" Cole said as he placed the tray in my lap then bowed. I just laughed at his child ness.

"Why thank you. Now would you please go start my shower so it will be ready when I get done?" I asked in a posh accent and he just laughed thinking it was a joke.

"No seriously go start the shower so I can take one when I get done." I said in my normal voice and he immediately walked out the door while laughing. I shook my head and laughed at how we still act like fifth graders. Then I just sighed. Then I looked up to the ceiling. There were words on it but I couldn't see what it said. I removed the tray from my lap and stood up on the bed. I got as close as I could and slowly deciphered the sentence.

"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them,but you know they're always there" I whispered to what I thought was only myself until someone spoke up.

"They're right you know" I looked down and saw Cole standing in the doorway.

"About how good friends are like stars. They're right" I sat back down as he walked over to where I was sitting. He sat on the bed and put a hand on my knee.

"Are you okay?" He asked referring to last night's crying session. I nodded my head and quietly said yes. He nodded and walked out the open door. I slowly ate my food as I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. 'Its true. Friendships are real'


Ok this chapter was supposed to be published yesterday but it didn't work so here it is. So I hope you like this chapter. Its kinda on the sad side but it got better as you can probably tell. Because you read it. If you didn't I'm sorry your gonna have to go back and read it. Anyways please comment and tell me how I did and I will see you all next time my beautiful ninja.

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