Chapter 3:Where Are We

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Darkness. That's all I could see. I must've hit my head hard on something. I opened my eyes and saw that I was outside and it was very bright. I think that it is about noon. I sat up and looked around. Nothing too interesting too see just big piles of trash. It kinda reminds me of Jay's home. I slowly stood up as my legs were hurting and I don't know why. As I went to rub my face I saw that I had 5 things sticking out of my hand. Then I screamed. Thank goodness me and Cole are alone because if not then people from this dimension would think that I was crazy. Then I realized something.

"Where's Cole" I questioned myself. I looked around frantically trying to find him but he was nowhere in sight. I started running in any direction calling out Cole's name and I don't really care if people looked at me weirdly because I'm looking for my best friend. As I was running down some street I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someone. I looked from my position on the ground and saw a girl in the same position. Just by her looks you could tell she was in a hurry. Messy brown hair,wrinkled clothes,and she was panting. She looked up and I saw that she has brown eyes. Then she gasped.

"Oh my gosh did I hurt you I'm so sorry" she stood up rather quickly and came over to me and held out her hand. I grabbed her hand and stood up while saying.

"No I should be sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I wiped the dirt off of my clothes and she spoke again.

"How about we say that we are both at fault,Ok?" She asked. I looked up and stared at her for a second then finally agreed with her.

"Ok we're both at fault, now why were you running?" I asked her slightly tired from running so much. I should actually thank her for stopping me.

"Oh well I'm looking for a friend of mine, what about you why were you running?" She asked like she was an interrogator. I like her already.

"I'm actually looking for a friend of mine as well." She looked surprised that we are doing the same thing. I, on the other hand, think its pretty cool as great minds think alike.

"Wow really well then maybe I could help you then you could help me, how does that sound?" I pretended to think about it then shook my head indicating a yes.

"Shake on it?" I asked then we both shook our bodies like dogs do when they get out of a bath. I was right great minds do think alike. We both started walking in the direction that she just came from calling out Cole's name. As we continued walking for about five minutes the girl started talking again.

"By the way my name is Mikaela but you can call me Kaela"she said sticking out her hand. As I was shaking her hand I said.

"Kirsten but you can call me any nickname you come up with" I said then we both laughed. We continued talking and getting to know each other. Turns out the portal led me and Cole to a place called Orlando, Florida and she had moved here a month after her birthday because of a thing called college. I've never been to college. She is 18 years old just like me. After 30 minutes we stopped talking and started calling for Cole.

"So, Kaela, what is your friends name?" I asked as it has been on my mind for awhile.

"Oh my friends name is Toby, Toby McDonough." I continued walking and then a few minutes later I bumped into someone. I turned around and was about to say sorry but then I realized that it was Cole.

"Cole there you are where were you, I was worried I wouldn't find you?" I then bombarded him with questions like 'are you hurt' and 'what happened'. I was about to ask him another question when someone cleared their throat and I looked at Kaela.

"Oh right Cole this is Kaela, Kaela this is Cole" I said clearing things up a bit. They shook hands then Cole spoke up.

"Hey, uhh Kirsten I need to talk to you for a second." I nodded an okay and stepped into a deserted ally.

"Kirsten, I don't like that girl you can't trust her" he said glancing back at Kaela. I had a questioning look on my face as I looked back at Cole.

"Why can't I trust her she seems really nice" I asked Cole but he just shook his head.

"I don't know but when your in a different dimension you can't trust anyone" Cole said. I looked back at Kaela and she seemed to be helping a homeless woman get some food. I looked at Cole about to say something, but when I looked at him he seemed to be in a daze. I saw that he was staring at Kaela, then I figured it out.

"You have a crush on Kaela, don't you?" I said staring at him waiting for an answer. He immediately answered.

"What! No!I don't know what you are talking about" he whisper-yelled so no one could hear him. I smiled knowing I was right. He frowned knowing I had caught him red-handed. We walked out of the ally and went up to Kaela.

"Guys I know where Toby is so you don't have to help me anymore" Kaela said once we were right in front of her. We nodded and said goodbye to Kaela then walked down the sidewalk. It was silent besides the cars that were driving by and the chatter of people around us. We kept walking until we were in a park. We saw children playing and laughing, parents watching them in amusement, dogs and their owners playing with anything that they brought, and birds chirping. It was beautiful.

"I was walking around earlier and figured out where we are" Cole suddenly spoke up. I gave him a look that asked him to continue. He laughed slightly at my look, but continued talking.

"We are on a planet called, Earth"


What's up guys,ninja_of_steel here and today I felt like I should update. I added a special little gift for my friend BYEbae19 and I honestly owe her so here is this for my best friend and sister. I hope you like it,luv ya sis!!

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