Chapter 20: This Was Not Expected

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We went around different corners with ease and no one seemed to have found us yet. Which was a good thing. Me and Toby were quiet pretty much the entire time. We were about to go around a corner when I heard voices again.

"We can't seem to find them, sir" said a guard.

"Well find them or else something will happen to everyone is this room. And trust me when I say it won't be pretty" Cane threatened. We stood with our backs against the walls. I heard footsteps heading our way and I turned to Toby. I looked around our surroundings and looked up to the roof and saw an open vent. I looked confused for a second then really happy. I pointed up to show Toby the vent and he nodded. I put my foot in his cupped hands and he hoisted me up into the vent and I moved out of the way as he pulled himself up with ease. I looked down out of the vent as Cane walked by. Then he stopped and turned around and looked up, but I moved before he could see me. I heard footsteps again and looked out again and saw that Cane had left. I looked at Toby and smiled.

"So how's being a ninja so far?" I asked him. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Not bad. It's hard though" he said. I nodded.

"Yeah I go through this a lot" he shook his head.

"No wonder you're so good at this"

"Yeah" I turned myself so that we were facing the same way and leaned my head on Toby's shoulder. Actually now that I think about it the vents are actually pretty big, but you still have to crawl. Toby leaned his head onto mine which made me smile. I closed my eyes until Toby started to move. I looked at him as he started to climb down out of the vents. He made it down and gestured for me to come down. I frowned, but did it anyway. I was climbing down when my foot slipped and I fell. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the hard floor to hit my butt, but it didn't. I opened my eyes and saw that Toby had caught me and was carrying me bridal style. I looked down and as my cheeks turned a bright red. He laughed and put me down, then hugged me by putting his arm around my waist. He let go and grabbed my hand. That released a ton more butterflies into my stomach. He led the way around the corner and walked straight for who knows how long. We were walking like an old couple who uses a cane, but I didn't mind. We walked for about an hour until we came to a door. I put my ear to it, but heard nothing on the other side. I reached for the handle and pushed the door open. We reached outside and on the outside was the rest of our team. Cole turned around.

"Well it's about time. What took you so long?" He asked. Toby was about to speak up, but I cut him off.

"We had to hide in the vents because we saw Cane" Cole looked a little confused while Sam looked terrified. I laughed.

"Who's Cane?" Cole asked. I was about to tell him when I was interrupted.

"Me" I turned around and saw the one person I didn't want to see.

"Cane" I said with anger in my voice.

"Yes but I'm not the only one" he said which kinda confused me. He pointed behind us and we turned around. We saw someone else.

"I'm here to" said the one and only, Hooded Figure. She moved her hand and and we all got ready to fight, but she didn't do anything. She raised her hand up to her hood and pulled it back. I was shocked to finally see her face, but I've seen it before.

"Mom" I whispered.


Oohh twist. Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I actually had a different idea for this but decided to stick with this. Also only two more chapters until this story is over😭😭. But don't worry there will be a sequel and I will upload it around December. Well I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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