Chapter 11: Insecurities And The Antidote

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I woke up at about 8:37 this morning and put on my glasses, then started walking around my apartment trying to get to Jay, but with me just waking up it was hard. I ran into a couple of chairs and even the wall. Crazy right. I eventually crossed the semi big living room and into the bedroom that Jay was in. Once I walked in I saw Jay sitting on the bed.

"Hey, I see you're up" I said as Jay looked my way.

"Yeah, I'm up. I guess I finally decided to wake up" he stated then I laughed a little. I stopped leaning on the doorway and walked over to sit next to Jay. He looked at me again.

"Why are you not afraid of me I mean look at my eyes I'm a monster?" I questioned him. He looked forward and bit his lip while thinking. He looked back at me and smiled.

"I'm not scared of you because I know you're a good person. You would never want to hurt anyone on purpose unless you have to. You always want to protect those you love and you're an amazing teammate. You're kind, generous, caring, courageous, and every moment spent with you is cherished and memorable. Kirsten you don't need to be afraid of what other people think of you or your eyes." By the time he was finished I was already crying. I hugged him for a few minutes until I realized something.

"Where are the others?" I asked as I stood up and looked around the master bedroom. Jay also stood up and walked out the door and spoke as I followed him.

"They went out to the store they should be back any minute" I nodded and went to go get my shoes on.

"Where are you going" Jay asked, very confused. I looked at him once I was done putting my shoes on.

"I'm going to Starbucks, to get some coffee" I answered. He nodded. As I was going to say goodbye I looked at Jay and he looked at me weirdly.


"I think you forgot something" he said and pointed to me. I looked down and I was still wearing my pajamas. I laughed nervously.

"Oh yeah..right...forgot about that" I said then went to change after I thanked Jay for stopping me from walking out the door in embarrassing clothing. I went into the bathroom with my clothes and changed out of my unicorn pajamas and put on a light blue cardigan over a white tank top, bleached jeans that are ripped, and black converse. I walked back into the living room to see Jay laughing at something.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"A show called Tom and Jerry" he said and I immediately remembered yesterday when I was with Toby and he asked about my glasses. I stopped watching the show and looked around for my sunglasses. I finally found them on the couch next to Jay. I grabbed them and went to the bathroom and took off my glasses and put my contacts in (which by the way is very hard when your eyes are fully black) and my sunglasses on. I walked back into the living room and saw Jay laying down.

"Well Jay I'll see you later and don't forget to tell the others where I am, ok?" I said.

"Ok" he said, then I walked out the door. 'He's probably not going to tell them' I thought so I got out my phone and texted Cole.

To Cole: Hey I'm going out I'll be back around 7 or 8

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