Chapter 14: Just A Girls Night

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It was dark in the house and very silent. The only thing you could hear was the sound of water dripping off of the ceiling in the dark and scary basement. Where I had to sleep at night. It always gave me nightmares that one day, or night should I say, a monster of some sort will come out of the shadows and swallow me whole. This night is no different then the rest. My parents are pretty much never home except for special occasions. They're always going off on business trips. I quietly walked down the old steps that creaked under my pale feet and held out the wooden baseball bat that my brother use to own. I was almost at the bottom when I heard a high pitch noise that was inhumane. It was like a woman's scream but much higher. I couldn't stand to hear it anymore so a few seconds later my legs just gave out and now I was rolling down the steps, but I didn't care about the pain on my scared legs. A few minutes of that painful screech and it had finally stopped. I barely had enough strength to stand, but I tried. When I was almost standing up completely I felt a sharp pain in my torso. I looked down and saw the tip of a butcher's knife just barely poking through my shirt. I immediately fell to the ground and......


I shot up and realized that it was just another nightmare. I looked around and saw that I was on a couch. I've never see it before. I looked around at my surroundings and immediately felt someone's presence. I wasn't alone. I could sense that someone else was in the room, but it was too dark to see who it was. I slowly stood up as the someone spoke.

"It's about time you woke up" the person sounded like a she. The lights turned on and I saw Kaela sitting in a navy blue rocking chair. She seemed to be listening to music, but I couldn't hear what it was. I looked into Kaela's beautiful brown eyes.

"How long was I asleep" I asked her. She looked off to the side while biting her lip. She looked back at me.

"Maybe about 5 hours. Didn't you sleep last night?" She asked. I looked at her with droopy eyes, then I yawned.

"I guess that's a no" she said and then laughed. I slowly stood up, then looked around and saw my bag with my sleepover things in it, then looked next to it and saw my small handbag with my phone, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, and my glasses case that I bring pretty much everywhere. Then I looked back at Kaela really confused.

"How did I get in here? Did you carry me? Cause if you did then how could you? I mean I'm really heavy." I kinda ranted. She looked at me and laughed.

"No I didn't carry you in here, Toby did. The moment you fell asleep I knew you'd be asleep for a while so I called Toby to come help me" once she finished talking I blushed at the thought of Toby carrying me. Kaela seemed to notice.

"Ooohh someone has a crush on Toby. Someone has a crush on Toby." She sang.

"Who has a crush on me?" I turned around slowly and saw Toby standing there with a bag. I looked back at Kaela and she looked at me with a look on her face that said 'what are we gonna do?'. Then she looked at Toby.

"That's none of your business, mister. Now leave us so we can have our girls night" she said using a posh accent. A sad look could be seen on Toby's face. I walked up to him and put my hand on his cheek.

"Aww poor Toby wants to hang out with the girls, but can't" I said then hugged him.

"Don't worry I'll hang out with you tomorrow, ok?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded and we pulled apart. Then he turned around and was about to walk out the door before he turned around.

"Oh and by the way this is food from Burger King. We didn't know what you wanted so we just got chicken nuggets, is that okay?" He asked, then me and Kaela nodded. He turned and put the bag on the table, then walked out the door after saying bye. Soon after he left I told Kaela that I was going to change into my pajamas.

"Ok well the bathroom is down the hall first door on the right" she said and I nodded. I followed her directions and found the bathroom and changed into my pajamas, then walked back out. I went back to the small living space and sat down on the navy blue couch. Kaela soon joined me on the couch and put the chicken nuggets on the coffee table in front of us while I turned the TV on. We didn't know what to watch so we just decided to have a Disney movie marathon which consistent of all the Lion Kings, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Highschool Musical 1, 2, and 3, and Descendants. We sang all of the songs, of course, and had a blast doing it. I sang some songs alone and so did Kaela. After our marathon it was about 11 pm so we decided to get some sleep, but before we did we thought of something awesome.

"That's the best idea you've had all day Kirsten" Kaela said. I looked at her.

"That's the only idea I had today" I said. Kaela just shrugged her shoulders, then I just rolled my eyes and continued with the project. By the time we were done it was about
2 am and the fort looks awesome if I do say so myself (the picture is above). We got in and talked about random things then went to sleep. I had a fun time with Kaela and I'm glad I met her.


Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I just wanted to ask if I spelled Decendents right. Well anyways I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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