Chapter 17: A New Friend And A Kidnapper

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Braiden took me to his apartment for the night and let me sleep in his bed while he is on the couch. He said that his friend would be coming over tomorrow so he advised that I should get some rest, but I can't knowing that when I go back to the McDonough's they might try to make me and Toby break up. He makes me really happy and I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I looked over to the clock on the bedside table and it said 12:27 am. I still can't sleep and I have tried so many times that I'm tired of trying to go to sleep. I tossed and turned for about thirty minutes before I had an idea. You see when I was younger I always stayed up 'til midnight and when I wanted to go to sleep I just ran in place until I was tired enough, then went to sleep. It actually worked and my idea was that I could go for a run in the park, but hopefully I will remember where Braiden's apartment is. I got out of bed and since I was wearing Braiden's shirt, which is pretty big on me since I'm 5'6, I changed into the shirt I was wearing earlier and went out of Braiden's room. I quietly tiptoed across the living room so Braiden wouldn't hear me. I was almost to the door when I heard a voice.

"Thomas is that you?" Braiden asked sleepily from the couch. I quickly thought of what to do and silently laughed.

"Yeah it's me" I said in a voice deeper than my own. I laughed quietly again.

"Ok well next time be quieter wen you're walking out the door, ok" he said. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, and walked out the door to the lobby. I walked out of the lobby door and immediately burst out laughing. I calmed down and started looking for a park while keeping track of which turns I made. After about thirty minutes I had finally found a park. It was pretty big and thank goodness no one was here. I started walking, slowly at first, then jogging, then into a full on sprint. I kept running until I was out of breath and that took me about maybe one hour to an hour and a half. I slowed to a stop and sat on a nearby bench. I took out my phone from my pocket and checked the time.

"2:30" I said to myself. I looked around and saw nothing but trees and a nice looking pond and a random person jogging this way and....wait a person. At 2 am. Their crazy. So am I. The person got closer and I recognized them to be a guy. Hmm maybe around the early 20s. He kept jogging until he saw me, then slowed to a stop. I looked at him as he walked closer to me. Once he stood right in front of me he decided to break the silence.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who decided to run this early in the morning...Can I sit?" He asked pointing to the bench. I nodded and scooted over so he could sit next to me. He sat and was quiet for awhile.

"My names Thomas" he said out of no where. I looked over to him and saw him smiling. I smiled back.

"Kirsten" I stuck my hand out so he could shake it. We sat for a few seconds just listening to our surroundings.

"Do you always come for a run this early in the morning?" He asked. I looked over to him and shrugged.

"Not usually, but tonight I just have some things on my mind. What about you?" I returned.

"Same" he said and looked down with a frown on his face. I felt bad for him. He's a nice guy and he doesn't deserve to suffer. At least not alone.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked with a little bit of hope that he would say yes. He looked at me with sadness clear in his chocolate brown eyes. He nodded a little and looked down again.

"It's just my girlfriend broke up with me and it's hit me pretty hard. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I miss her. What do I do?" He looked up at me with an expression that I couldn't begin to understand. Of course I've seen only one person like this ever and that was my old best friend who died years ago. He was sad for the same reason. His girlfriend broke up with him. Thomas is......vulnerable, depressed. I feel bad for him. I know I shouldn't do this to a complete stranger, but I felt the need to. I hugged him. He was surprised at first but soon wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We stayed like that for a few minutes until he pulled away. I'm pretty sure I saw a tear run down his cheek. He smiled and for some reason I felt the need to smile to. Then something came to my mind.

"Do you, by chance, know a Braiden?" I asked. He looked confused a little.

"Yeah Braiden Wood, we've been friends forever" he answered.

"Why" I looked at him.

"No reason" I said. He looked confused again. He was about to speak when we both heard something.

"What was that" he whispered. I shook my head and put my finger to my lips. He seemed to know what I meant and kept his mouth shut. I slowly got off the bench and tip toed to where the noise was heard. I looked behind me and saw Thomas following me. I looked forward again and immediately something attacked me. I screamed and tried to get it off of me. Thomas tried pulling him off but was punched off by some other dude in a black suit. I kicked the person on top of me and fell backwards then went after the guy who had previously hit Thomas. I was right behind him when I pulled out my staff and hit him in the back of the head. He fell forward, but almost immediately got up and tried attacking me again.

"I call upon the mighty force of nature" and almost immediately a vine came up out of the ground and went after the evil dude. As that was happening I sprinted over to Thomas to see if he was ok.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. His lip was bleeding, but other than that everything seemed to be fine.

"Yeah" he answered. All of the sudden I felt a pain in my head and just before everything turned black I looked to Thomas.

"Go get help" were the last words I said before everything turned black.


Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite chapters and that I will also be this book soon. Maybe about the 20th chapter. But I don't have a set chapter yet. And do you want a sequel? Just a question. Well I'm gonna go so I will see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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