Chapter 15: Black Blood And A First Kiss

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I awoke to the sound of an angelic voice. 'Wake up' the voice kept saying. I slowly opened my eyes and instantly met with brown orbs looking back into mine.

"Its about time you woke up" Kaela said. She stood up and walked out of the fort we had made last night. I slowly sat up and looked around the medium sized blanket fortress. I just sat there enjoying the peace and quiet while I had it cause soon I would be in a house full of immature guys who don't act their age. I stood up and walked out as soon as I smelled waffles and saw Kaela getting an eggo waffle out of the toaster. I looked at her and smiled.

"Really" I said.

"What?" She asked with a piece of a waffle in her mouth. I just laughed and went to my suitcase, got some clothes out, then went to go change. After I had changed into a white tank top with a black cardigan over, black skinny jeans and white converse I went back to the living space and saw Kaela intently watching TV. I walked over to the freezer and pulled out two eggo waffles then popped them into the toaster. As I was waiting I went to sit next to Kaela. Before I sat down she asked me to get something from her room. I nodded then went to the end of the hall where she said her room was and walked in the closed door. It was really dark and I couldn't see a thing so I just started feeling my way around when I accidentally hit my leg on the corner of something.

"Ow" I screamed as I bent down to cover where the object attacked me. The lights came on and I turned around as Kaela bent down to where I was.

"I heard you scream, what happened?" She asked then I removed my hand, then pulled up my pant leg and didn't like what I saw.

"Black blood. Kaela do you know what this means" I asked looking at her.

"You're going to turn evil again" she said, then I nodded and looked down. A few minutes later we heard a voice.

"Girls where are you?" Riley, I think, asked.

"In here" Kaela answered. Soon we both looked at Riley who walked in Kaela's bedroom door and he immediately frowned when he saw my position.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he bent down to our level. I moved my hand again and saw his eyes grow wide.

"Kirsten what happened?" He asked me.

"I was looking for something and I hit my leg on the corner of a wooden box" I replied. He look at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Can you walk?" Kaela and Riley asked at the same time, then we all burst into laughter. After we all calmed down Riley stood up and held his arm out. I grabbed ahold and he pulled me up with ease.

"Well at least I can walk" I stated. I walked to the bathroom with Riley and Kaela behind me and starting looking for the Band-Aids. I finally found them underneath the sink and took one out of the box. I took of its seal and put it on my cut. After I pulled my pant leg back down I walked back out and sat on the couch.  Riley sat next to me and put a hand on my knee. He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. I smiled a thank you as Kaela walked in the room.

"Well Toby just called me. He was asking how long it takes to pick up a girl" she said and I laughed at Toby's impatience. Riley stood up and offered his hand. I accepted the offer and stood up. I let go of his hand and hugged Kaela. I said a quick goodbye and left with Riley. When we got in the car he immediately turned on the radio as All of Me by John Legend came on. He started to sing along. 'This is the first time I've ever heard him sing. He's really good.' I thought. After the song was over he turned it down and started focusing on driving.

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