Chapter 18: Stuck....And New Powers

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It has been a three weeks since I was kidnapped and right now I was strapped to a chair. It was almost always dark. Almost pitch black. The only time the lights would come on is if someone was coming to feed me. Which was not often. I usually got fed once every three days. The reason why someone had to feed me is because my hands are tied. So are my legs. The only thing I can do by myself is breath and move my head. Yup that's literally it. I can't even pee on my own. Its pretty sad I know. You're probably wondering who kidnapped me. I'll give you one guess.......... If you guessed the hooded figure's minions then you are correct. I don't know why they want me though. It still confuses me. I was cut out of my thoughts when the door opened and revealed Cane. The one minion I didn't want to see. He scares me. He walked up to me with a plate of scraps. Yeah that's what I get, a plate full of stuff they didn't finish. Yummy. He pulled a chair up in front of me and sat down. He grabbed the silver spoon and gathered a spoonful of scraps and put it up to my mouth. It smelled of old cheese and rotten tomatoes. It was nasty. I turned my head and closed my eyes. He sighed for like the millionth time.

"Kirsten you know you have to eat" he said. I heard a noise. The kind of noise that sounds like glass hitting cement. My head was suddenly grabbed by my chin and faced towards Cane.

"Look Kirsten I know you don't like this but you have to eat. Even if I have to force you" as you can probably tell he is the leader. And the one who cut my leg. I looked to the side again. I heard footsteps, then a door opening and closing. I turned and didn't see Cane. 'Good he's gone, but won't be for long' I thought. I closed my eyes and rested. I started thinking of the others and how I wish I could know what they are doing. Then something weird happened. I saw...........Cole. I literally saw him in my head. After a few seconds I saw him walking towards someone. Toby. Then I heard voices.

"Don't worry Toby we'll find her" I heard Cole say and saw him put a hand on Toby's shoulder. I immediately opened my eyes when I was pushed. I fell backwards and slammed hard against the cement. I screamed in pain and opened my eyes and saw Cane above me. He stared at me with eyes full of lust. It was beyond creepy. Then I figured it out. Cane has a crush on me. Talk about weird. He reached down and pulled me and the chair up with ease, then set us upright.

"I was calling your name for about five minutes" he said and I turned my head and closed my eyes again and of course I saw Cole and Toby again, but with everyone else there as well. I miss them. I hope they find me soon. Cane soon left to go to bed and of course it was pitch black. Well almost. I had one window where I could see the moon. It was beyond beautiful.

"Please find me soon. I need you" and with those last words I fell asleep sitting upright with my head hanging low.


Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I have some news. This book will be ending around the twentieth chapter, BUT I might upload a sequel. If I do I will let you know on this book. Well I'm gonna go so I will see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.

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