💖Chapter 4💖- farewell

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4. Farewell

Sehun's P.O.V

The reception was distracted after Baekhyun shouted on the phone and left the venue. He's crying as his eyes is turning red like he wants to kill someone. If he's like that means something had happened so Mingyu ,Kai, and I followed him.

He's driving the car so fast but we can still follow him since Mingyu is the one driving the car.

" Mingyu drive faster!We can't let him dissapear from our eyes." Kai shouted

"I'm already driving fast." Mingyu replied calmly. He's calm but I know he's worried right now too.

My brows met after we saw him stop infront of the Hospital.
He step out the car and we followed him until he stops in the Emergency room.

He was talking to a police officer and suddenly punch it so we showed up to stop him.

"Baekhyun what are you doing?! Stop it now." We blocked him.

"Do you want to die? huh? How dare you tell that infront of me. Geurim is not dead!!! She's not dead. please tell me she's not."

he's start crying and drop his self on the floor.

what the hell is happening here?

"What did you say? Sir is it true?" - Kai

"She got in a car accident and her body was burn after the car exploded. " he gave something to him. "That's the thing we found in the car. Please identify if it was hers."

what the. That is Geurim's Necklace!

"No!No!No!This can't be happening."

he went inside emegency room so we followed him. We frozed right after we saw a body ,covered with a white blanket while lying in the stretcher.

We didn't recognized her As we removed the white blanket. It broke me into pieces after I saw It. It's like it's just a dream.

"Moo please open your eyes. Moo it's okay if you're like this just please open your eyes. Please i'm begging you. Don't leave us in a way like this. Moo..."

Mingyu cried.

Dammit! I can't look at him while talking to Geurim's lifeless body.

Kai sat on the chair silently cried.He is so silent but his tears is streaming down his face.None of us uttered a word after that because of the pain we have right now. We lost the most important person to us.

I step out the room because I don't want to see want is happening inside already.

I saw Baekhyun sitting in the floor carelessly and don't care about what the people would think. He just hug his knees to his chest and buried his face on it while crying bitterly.

This time my tears that I keep on holding on finally scape out of my eyes. "Geurim..." I said almost in whisper.

My bestfriend is now gone. The first person who help me , who gave me courage and one of the important person that I want protect is now gone.

It won't sink in inside my mind that we already lost her in one snap.

"Where is Geurim?" Blaze ,Shasie and their grandpa came from running. I wasn't able to answer them so they just entered the E.R . My fist just turn into fist when I heard their voices especially Shashie.

Damn! This is not happening.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

What will you do if suddenly the center of your life died and left you? That moment where , we are just starting to make our dream reality but she left without even saying goodbye. It hurts. It hurt a lot.

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