💖Chapter 32 💖 - Biggest Surprise

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32: Cielo's Biggest Surprise

[A/N: it's Showtime! Don't forget to vote and comment !]


"Why is it too crowded? Is there some kind of big Show ?"

I don't want to answer Steph and most of all, I don't want to talk to her. But I don't know what's happening either and I don't know what's on that crazy girl's mind. Just like what she asked me, I brought Steph here. I wonder what kind of show she will going to show us that will ruin Steph

I just heaved a sigh and guide her to take a sit in a Vacant chair that the two Students gave us .

"Hi girls 😃" she greet the girls beside her.

Huh! I can't really believe how can she smile like that and acted like a good person after what she did to Geurim.

It's like she doesn't even have regrets for hurting my Bee.

"I think someone will going to perform. "

"Stupid , no." The other girl said. "It's a film viewing. They said that it will be a part for the exam."

"Oh , is that so? Thank you girls. 😘".

" Welcome Stephanie.". They responded simultaneously and it looks like there's butterfly in their stomachs while talking to her. Sigh. They never change.

I look around to find someone I know and I saw Eunwoo with Sehun and the other Student Council members who won last election. And on the other side was Yoona and my other friends. It looks like they don't have any Idea what's happening too.

Yoona and I met our eyes but she quickly avoid it right away and talk to them again.

I heaved a sigh again.

I really lose them for real. My friends is now gone.

While I'm regretting, the light suddenly turn off and the whole auditorium was covered with darkness. And a rolling sound of film appeared then later on , the huge monitor lighted the whole Auditorium.

" This show is brought to you by Cielo Tan and other useless losers that will catch your heart. This is base on true story , video credited by another loser Jang Wonwoo. Enjoy!". The voice over monitor said

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