1. New Beginnings

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(Andrea's POV)

 I just told my mom I was pregnant and she didn't take it well at all. Hence, why I'm sitting here, on my boyfriends front porch, crying my eyes out.

How could a mother be so cruel to her first child, her flesh and blood, her only daughter.

"Jai.... Nothing will ever be the same. This is so screwed up." I cried while he held me in his arms and caressed my hair.

"Andrea, everything will be fine, we have each other, and that's all that matters right now. I love you, and I promise I will ALWAYS be there for you." he said, as he kissed me on my forehead and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"You pinkie promise?" I gave him a soft smile, trying to lighten the mood; while still crying.

"I pinkie promise, forever." he said staring into my eyes and locking pinkies with me. "We should go in though, we still have to tell my mum" Jai gave me a soft kiss on the lips, and we stepped off of the front porch of Gina's house and walked inside.

"Hey Drea, staying for dinne-" She stopped from going into a hug and gave us a confused look. "Is she okay?" She asked Jai, and he shook his head slightly.

"Mum, can we talk in the livingroom for a bit?" Jai smiled politely, knowing I wasn't really in the mood to say anything to her.

"Ummm, sure honey." She said, and walked into the livingroom.

As the knots in my stomach grew even more, Luke and Beau were fooling around, and being childish. It's going to be so weird for Jai, to not be able to act like a kid all the time. He's going to have to at least mature a little bit before the baby comes.

"Boys, settle down for a second please." She hushed.

They looked confused, but they didn't question her and just stopped what they were doing.

Jai looked at me, I nodded for him to go on. "Mum.... Uh. Andrea's pregnant." He looked at her and waited for a reaction, but she just sat there in silence for a while.

"Oh my god...." She said, just sitting there rubbing her hands together.

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. What if she hates me now? What if she doesn't want me around them anymore? What if......

"Wow. Uh, That's great!" Beau blurted out, with a huge grin on his face, which caused me to faintly smile.

"When did you find out? Are you 100% sure Drea?" Luke asked.

"Thanks Beau...." I tried to smile, but failed miserably. "I found out about a week ago, and yes. I already went to the doctor and they confirmed it." I said while Beau gave me a long hug.

"Are you mad mum?" Jai quietly asked, with a worried look on his face.

She cupped his cheeks and softly said "Of course not honey, I'm just shocked. How are you feeling Drea?" She said facing me, and I immediately burst into tears whenever she brought me into a hug.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Gina. I have nobody." I cried into her shoulder.

She pulled away slowly, and said "Honey, you have all of the boys, myself, your family for sure." she smiled widely at me. "Don't ever feel like that."

"Well, actually her mum kicked her out tonight when we told her." Jai said draping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple. He did that quite often and it seemed to calm me down.

"You know you can stay here with the boys and I. Just know I'm here for you two." Gina said hugging Jai, and myself.

"So are we." Luke and Beau said, making it a group hug.

This felt like home, this felt like family, I've never actually had a real family before, but I know this is how it's supposed to be.

"I'm a pretty exhausted.. With everything that's happened tonight. I think I'm gonna head to bed." I said, wiping my tears off my face. "Thank you guys, it means alot to know I have kind people to fall back on."

"Me too, we're gonna go to sleep. Love you mum. See y'all in the morning." Jai said, as he took my hand and we went into his room.

I didn't have my clothes, so I just stripped my clothes off and wore my undergarments while Jai was comfy just wearing his boxers. We cuddled, while he took my hand, and said;

"Baby, it's always going to be us. No matter what, I'll never leave you, I promise everything will get better. We just need to do what we need to do for our child. I love you so much, you will never have to worry about a thing. You know how awesome of parents we're going to be? Our kid will be lucky to have you as a mother. Believe me on that...Don't stress too much babe." Jai whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"I love you so much Jai. Goodnight love." I responded, and he dozed off almost immediately.

Me, on the other hand... Just laid there, trying to force myself to sleep. The only thing I could do, is think of what had just happened with my mum. 



"Don't be so hard on her Lisa... It's not all her fault." Jai said, as calmly as possible.

"Oh, I know!! It's your fault too. I knew I had a bad feeling about you two. You guys are children yourselves! KIDS SHOULDN'T HAVE KIDS!" Jai stood there and just nodded.

"Mum..... I'm sorry." I muttered these words while sobbing.

She was silent. I thought she was going to hit me, she raised her hand to me.... but she calmly said....

"Get the hell out of my house.. Both of you. Don't you ever come back." she cynically laughed. "I never thought I would have a whore daughter. I'm gonna laugh at you when this boy abandons you and you will have nobody but yourself to blame."

I sat there in disbelief. Please tell me this is a dream.... "Can I at least say goodbye to Ryan?" Ryan was my younger brother. Only by a year, but he was younger none the less.

"Don't even try. He doesn't care about you. Obviously, or he would be down here." I heard foot-steps quietly go back up the stairs. Before thinking I ran up there, because I knew it was Ryan. My mom ran after me, but I made it in his room before her and locked the door.

"Ryan, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." I hugged him and cried. My mom was banging on the door, I knew I couldn't stay up here forever.

"I could never hate you Drea. You've always be the best sister ever. You should probably go though. Mom is going nuts." he kissed my cheek, and opened up the door.

"Call me whenever." he whispered to me when I walked out. My mom glared at me, but I ignored her, grabbed Jai's hand.

Before we walked out the front door, my mom yelled "Don't even think about coming back!" We walked out hand in hand, and she slammed the door behind us. I couldn't help but cry the whole way back to Gina's.

*End of Flashback*

I never imagined my life to be like this, at this point and time of my life. Just finishing high-school early thank god, and now I'm 17 and pregnant.

Maybe everything my mum was saying, is true. Maybe I am a whore, maybe Jai will leave me and I'll be the one to blame.

I just want this next chapter of my life, to be the best one yet.

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