15. Whataya Say?

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(Jai's POV)

My mind was racing. I didn't know this dinner was going to be so awkward, and uncomfortable or I would have waited for a little longer.

I am contemplating if I should wait or not.. I don't want to wait anymore, you never know what could happen. Being in that coma was terrible for me, and I learned that I should take risks, make the decisions I want to make, and be a family.

Okay, I'm going to do it....

I stood up and asked if I could get everyones attention. They all looked at me, Luke and Ryan flashed me a quick smile. I was going to only tell Ryan, but Luke is nosey so he knew as well. Andrea looked at me confused, but I just gave her a reassuring smile.

Here goes nothing...

(Andreas POV)

I am so confused as to what is happening right now. Before I could ask Jai, he spoke.

"Andrea, even though we have a rough past, I am here now and I am not going anywhere. You are the most perfect girl I have ever laid my eyes on, you are beautiful, funny, smart, and you're an amazing mother. I like how you are the sweetest person on Earth, until someone messes with you and you are an evil little devil child." he stopped to laugh and we all joined, but I was still confused as to why he's saying this.

"Anyways, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. As in, forever. Eternity. All the time. I love you, and only you." he bent down on one knee and reached in his back pocket.

My heart started to race and my eyes went wide, I felt tears threatening from the corners of my eyes, before he spoke again.

"Andrea Michelle Roberts, Will you marry me?" he asked and pulled open a box that had a beautiful diamond ring inside of it.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and cried happy tears, "Yes! A million times yes!" I threw myself on to him and hugged him as tight as I could. "How did you even afford that?" I laughed and cried at the same time.

He nervously laughed, "That's not important right now..." he said and we both laughed.

After we stopped hugging, I was flooded with "congratulations" and hugs. Ryan and my mum were the last to hug me. 

"You knew about this didn't you?" I asked Ryan and hugged him.

"Maybe...." he smirked "Maybe not." he laughed and let go.

"Congratulations." My mum said, unsure if she should hug me or not. Before she could say anything else I embraced her in a hug.

"Thank you so much.... thank you for coming." I said, and surprised myself.

The look on her face was priceless, "Uh, yeah.. Anytime... Thank you." She smiled.

Once everyone left, Jai and I gave the kids baths and put them to bed.

I couldn't stop staring at my left hand. The ring was beautiful, I can't even explain how pretty it was.

"You like it?" Jai asked.

"How could you even ask that, I mean of course! This thing probably cost more than my car." I laughed.

He smiled, "Probably." he laughed and laid next to me on the bed an wrapped me in his arms.

"We have to tell your mum tomorrow." I said breaking the short silence.

"Yeah I know, I'm taking the kiddos over there tomorrow because all of my family is going to be there for some reason, so it's perfect timing." he said into my hair.

Not The Same || Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now