8. Mine Again

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Gina thought it would be best to go to a private beach, so we found one, with changing rooms and everything as well.

I'm sat here just reading a magazine, tanning, with James and Ryan sleeping to the right of me, Beau and Daniel were in the water and, Luke, Jai, Gina and the twins went to go get shaved ice at a stand a little ways down the beach.

I was reading the 'Who wore it better?' section, when I felt someone come and sit next to me. I looked over and it was Jai.

"Hi." he smiled. "Hey, where are Daniel and Destiny?" I asked.

"They're with my mum. They wanted to build sand castles and stuff, so I figured I'd keep you company." He grinned and  I giggled at his words.

"Well there's not much going on over here. I'm just reading a magazine..." He looked at me and smirked, oh god. What is he going to do. All of the sudden, he threw me over his shoulder and ran towards the water.

All I could do was yell "Jaaaaai No!!!!!" I tried to fight myself off of him, but he was too strong. I looked back to see if we were close to the water, and Jai was about knee deep, and kept getting deeper and deeper everytime I looked. He loosened his grip, I thought he was going to let go, but he threw me.

It was FREEZING. Once I got back from under the water, I glared at him. But i couldn't hold it for long. We both bust out laughing.

"I hate you." I said, still laughing my head off. He pulled me over, hugged me and said, "I know you don't." I laughed for a second, but then I hugged him back. God, I missed him. I pulled back, and ran over to Gina and the twins.

"Hey guys. Y'all having fun?" I smiled, at them and they both looked up at me and said "Yes." then went back to what they were doing.

"I sure am enjoying this Drea. Thank you for letting me come spend time with them." Gina said with a big smile on her face. "Oh, no problem. They seem to love you already!" she slowly nodded, "Would it be okay if I had them with me for a couple of days? I am off of work for 4 days. I would like to have them for a least a few days." I hesitated, because they are my kids and I want to make sure they're safe. But c'mon.... It's Gina for crying out loud. The nicest lady ever. "Of course. I'll have to go to Clayton to get some stuff for them though, I'll bring them over tonight after dinner."

"Thanks mummy! You're the best." Daniel said hugging my leg. I love this boy so much.

"You're welcome baby." I said patting his head. He went back over to building his 'sand castle.'


We left the beach at thirty minutes past four o'clock. We dropped Gina off at her house, but Jai said he wanted to come with us to Clayton, so he stayed.

"If I would have known you lived so close, I would have come and found you, you know that right?" Jai asked. I looked in the backseat to see the twins sleeping like rocks. 

"If you wouldn't have broken up with me, leaving me with nowhere to go, you wouldn't had to look for me." I  smiled cheekily. 

"You're very funny... Drea, I was 17. I wasn't anywhere near being ready for two kids." Jai said.

"And you think I was?? I lived in a one bedroom apartment, had a job, and took care of two children by myself for a little over a year until Ryan moved out of mum's house and helped me out....I don't want to hear that excuse." I tried not to be too loud, seeing that the twins were in the backseat.

"Okay. I get that, but I'm here now, and I want to help you.. I won't leave.. I want to be with you guys, I want to be a family. I promise." Jai pleaded.

"Yeah, you promised the last time." I snapped back. He didn't say anything, for the rest of the 10 minutes, the ride was silent.

When we got to my house, I told Jai to stay in the car, and that I would be right back. I grabbed all the stuff they'd need, the stuff I needed and went back to the car.

The car ride to Ginas was silent, other than the soft music on the radio. Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey came on, and I sang every note, until at the end of the song I saw Jai smiling at me, "what?" I said smiling back.

"I missed that..." Jai said, still smiling. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I missed you singing all the time, and us.. I just miss us." His smiling turning in to a serious face.

"Jai..." i sighed, I was going to be honest with him, "I've thought about you everyday since I moved. Sometimes I wondered if I should call you, or text you, but I always thought you didn't care. And even though you are here now, who says you'll be here a month from now. You've only been around for a few days. With The Janoskians being so famous and all, I can't count on you to be there all the time." I said, checking to see if the twins were asleep still, and they were.

"Do you love me?" Jai asked. Oh how I was dreading for this question to come up.

"Why?" is all I could say, I couldn't answer him and tell him that I've loved him this whole time.

"Because I love you. I still love you just as much as I did when we were together those years ago. And if you still love me just as much, nothing else would matter." Jai was looking at me, but I was driving and I just couldn't look at him back.

We finally got to Gina's, and I carefully grabbed Daniel out of his car seat, and Jai grabbed Destiny and we brought them inside.

I whispered to Gina, "They are sound asleep, I didn't feed them yet, but I'll give you 20 so you can get them some Maccas or something like that." She nodded, and told me to take them into Jai's room.

I walked in and set him on the bed, and Jai followed behind me. I kissed Daniels forehead and whispered, "Goodnight baby, I love you." and did the same to Destiny. I turned to Jai smiled and walked out. I got to the car, but Jai ran up to me.

"Is it okay if I come back with you to Ryans.. To talk." He pleaded.

I sighed, "Look, I'll save you the trouble of coming back later, so we'll talk now..... Jai, I love you. I never stopped. I have missed you soooo much, you have no idea. You mean alot to me, but I am not looking for a relationship like the one we had when we were 15. I am almost 20, I'm not the same person I was three years ago. If we're going to be together, you have to stay..." I said.

He smiled at me, "So you will?"

"I will what?" i asked,

"Be mine?" I couldn't help but smile. I was fixing to say something, but he cut me off my kissing me. It was very passionate, it felt like I was 15 again. I pulled back, and smiled at him.

"How did you know I was going to say yes though?" I joked.

He smirked, "You didn't say no." We kissed once more and I walked back to the car.

I looked back at him, "You still wanna come over?" I asked. I wasn't going to do anything with him.. You see where that got us....

He just got in the car, when I drove off, he put his hand on my knee, and smiled at me, I smiled back.

This is how I want to spend the rest of my life.

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