3. Promise?

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 *It's been three weeks since I've talked to Beau. We got in a huge argument a week after I had been living with him. Let's just say Beau doesn't support our decision on keeping the baby. On the other hand, Skip and James are uber excited! They said they can't wait to be uncles! It's so awesome having so many people support us, but it sucks that I don't have my best-friend by my side. At least I have the boys, Gina, and Ryan.*


I wake up, and my neck is killing me.. I groan, and roll over. Forgetting Jai was right there, I rolled right on top of him. He let out a groan as well. I couldn't help but giggle. "Sorry babe." he just rolled over, and ignored that... He's such a morning person.

I walk into the kitchen, to find Beau in there by himself, I quickly went to the cupboards and got a coffee mug out. He looked over at me, but I ignored it. I poured my coffee, put some milk and sugar in it, and started to walk out. "Hey.." I heard him say. "I don't like this."

I stopped and turned around."Obviously." I snapped.

"That's not what I meant. I mean, I don't us being like this." He had a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Well Beau, I'm not the one who did this.... you did." I was going to leave because it's far too early for all this shit, but I was stopped by him hugging me.

I set my mug down and hugged him back. Even though I'm mad at him, he is still my best-friend and I missed talking to him.

"I'm sorry," he said pulling out of the hug. "I was being inconsiderate. I am happy for you guys, It was just so weird to me." I smiled.

"I know. I missed you Beau." I hugged him again. he laughed. "I missed you too."

It feels so good to have my best-friend back. "Okay, enough hugging. I have to get ready for work!"

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.. I got a job! It's nothing major, I'm a Barista a a small coffee shop a couple blocks down. It pays pretty good money though. Jai and I have been saving ALL of our paychecks, so we almost have enough money to buy the house we wanted. Yeah I know... a house! of our own! AHH THIS IS SO EXCITING. Just a few months, and we will have enough money.


I walked into the room and I saw that Jai wasn't in the bed, I walked in and heard that the shower, "shit." I said to myself. I looked down at my phone, it was 8:15, I had to be to work at 9.

"Jaaaaai." I yelled. "What?!" he yelled back. "I need the shower!" Idk why we were yelling, Im sure he could have heard me if I was just talking. "Well, come in." he said, reguarly this time.

I just simply replied with "Ok." We used to take showers together all the time, it's not weird when you've been together for 2 years. Don't judge me.

Once we were done, I applied a little mascara, and put my hair into a pony tail. It's not like I have anyone to impress, and I am pregnant so I'm not even going to try and grab anyones attention.

"Alright babe... 3 months." I say smiling at him.

He smiled back "I know, are you excited?" he asked, putting his shirt on.

"Beyond excited. Luckily it's only 2 houses down from your mum." I said while putting on some chapstick.

"Yeah. So the boys can come over all the time.....or sometimes." I laughed. "Who knew we would be the ones to move out before Beau." we both laughed.

"Well, I gotta get to work. Don't be late to your job either!" I said sternly. We kissed, and I walked out of the house.


It's a slow day here at the coffee shop, so I was reading a book when I heard the bell on the door jingle.

"Hi, welcome to Dru's Coffee, how may I help you?" I hadn't looked up to see who it was yet.

"Andrea?" I heard a female voice say. I looked up to see my bestfriend that moved away last year standing in front of me.

"Kellie?!" I said giddy.

"Oh my god! You work here?!" She said, I ran from behind the counter to her and hug her, but she stopped me and looked at me. "Oh my gosh, how are you?" she asked, and then brought me in for a hug.

"I'm good, really. My back is killing me all the time, but.. that's the side effects." I chuckled. Before she could answer, I asked "When did you move back?"

"A few weeks ago, on my 18th birthday." I smiled at her, she's only been gone for a year and she looks so grown up. "Wow." was all I could say. "You look so different." I said.

"So do you! and are you pregnant? when did this happen!?" she gasped with a huge smile on her face. I was going to answer her, but a customer came in, "Were you going to order?" I asked her, "Oh no, I was just checking this out. It wasn't here a year ago. I gotta go, we should catch up sometime!"

"Oh yeah of course! Here's my number." I said writing it down on a napkin. "Call me after 3, that's when I get off." She nodded and walked out.


Work went by sooooo slow, and so painful, to just stand there! UGH. I walked into the house and headed straight to the room. But I noticed Jai was sitting on the couch, he turned and smiled at me "Hey beautiful." he said. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I can see that I'm wanted." we laughed, "but my boss didn't show up, so the manager sent us home."

"Ohhh okay. Ryan text me, do you want to hang out with him? I'm going out." I said to him, plopping down on the couch.

"Yeah, tell him to come over... and going out? Going out with who?" he asked all worried. I just giggled. "Kellie. You remember her? She moved last year." I asked.

"Oh yeah! Y'all were best friends. How is she doing?" he asked, relaxed now.

"Im not sure, thats why we're going to have dinner." I said, while laying down in his lap.

"Well mum was having a family dinner tonight. You should invite Kellie. She's love to see her again." he said, eyes glued to the TV.

I shot her a quick text, and she told me she'd come. "Okay, she'll be here."


There was a knock on the door, I'm sure it was Kellie. Ryan got up and answered the door (he has been here alot, these past couple weeks because things have been rough at home.) "It's Kellie," he announces, as she walks in. "aaaaaaah!" She smiled and gave him a huge hug. "Oh my goddddd Ryan! Last time I saw you, you were so little. Handsome brother you got yourself Drea." she joked.

"Yeah, I'm a lady magnet." He joked with her.

"Jyyyyyyyyye!" she yelled when she came over to us. He laughed, "Hey Kel." She hugged me as well, "It's been so long guys."

We all caught up, with each others lives', and at the end of the night, everyone went to a club, so that leaves Jai and myself alone at the house. Gina was at her girlfriends house. (friend, not a lady lover).

We were laying in bed together just like we did at this time of night. My stomach was already showing quite a bit.. it was odd.

"Babe, do you pinkie promise?" I asked Jai, while we stared into each others eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused. "To stay with me forever, and never let me go. Even if I try to leave, don't let me."

"Been here for 2 years haven't I? I'm not going to let you go anywhere." He pressed his lips against mine, I swear I was madly in love with this boy. 

Everything is going so well, I never want to mess any of this up. We are meant to be.


Urkay. To the right would be Kellie. Idk that girls real name or I would have put it in here.... :/ I looked though. & oooooooooooh. Next chapter is SO much better. 

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