24. No Regrets

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We did it. We are married. I think to myself, as I turn my head and look at Jai.

He's had a permanent smile since we left the courthouse. He looked at me for a second, barely taking his eyes off of the road for 2 seconds, and placed his hand on my thigh.

"I cannot fucking believe that we just did that!" he laughed. "When did we become so adventurous."

"Well what we just did wasn't adventurous, because we can't take this back." I laughed and smiled even harder.

"Well.... We could-"

"But we won't. You know divorce isn't an option for me." I said, turning my gaze to the street in front of us.

"It isn't an option for me either babe. Nothing could ever tear us apart." he said quietly, taking my hand and placing a sloppy kiss on the back of my hand.

I giggled and placed my hand around the neck of his chair and played with his hair, while we drove in silence.

When we pulled up to the house, I was trying to contain my happiness.

Before I could open my door, Jai stopped me. "You don't regret this do you?"

"Of course not babe. I wouldn't be nearly as happy, to do this with anybody else. I love you so much.." I said, grabbing his face softly, and planting a lingering kiss on his lips.

"Let's go inside, wife." Jai laughed and kissed my temple before opening his door and walking up the stones to the doorstep, me following close behind him.


"Hey, any trouble?" I asked Beau, once we got in the living-room.

He squinted his eyes at me and slowly shook his head. "No... Why are you so happy? And I thought you two were going to the movies.. You've only been gone for an hour."

"The movie sucked." I simply replied, trying to hide my happiness, even though I wanted to tell him so bad.

"Still doesn't explain why you're happy." he smiled, trying to pry it out of me.

I pulled him closer to me and whispered, "I will tell you, but so help me god if you tell anyone I will rip your fucking head off." I smiled and he looked terrified.

"I swear, I won't tell a single soul."

"Me and Jai got married at the courthouse." I grinned and squealed quietly.

He widened his eyes and smiled. "Wow! That's great!"

I smiled slightly, even though I knew he wasn't being genuine. "Yeah, thank you. Have a nice night Beau." I waved as we walked out of the door.

Even though something about Beau's reaction didn't feel right to me, I pushed it away and continued to enjoy the feeling of being a newlywed.

I quickly made my way to the bedroom where Jai was at, and plopped on the bed.

He grabbed me closer to him and played with my hair while I laid with my eyes closed enjoying it.

"So I told Beau...." I trailed off.


"He seemed weird." I simply put it.

"I don't care... We can focus on the negative stuff later." he chuckled.

"We should probably get to bed baby- If you want a good nights sleep. We have to get up at 3, so that gives us approximately 9 hours." I laugh slightly, as to how ridiculous I sound.

Not The Same || Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now