18. Trust You? Of Course.......Not

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"Focused, I'm focused, She got a body like that I ain't never seen nothing like that ah ah ah. Like a fantasy in front of me. I think that something special is going down." Jai sang while staring at me and I just laughed at him.

Right now, we're standing in the middle of our bedroom getting dressed to go to Ginas, just to hang out before the boys leave again in a couple weeks.

"Oh no no, oh no no she's confident. And oh no no, oh no no and I'm down with it. Oh no no, oh no no she's confident. You could tell by the way she walks in the room" he continued singing as I pulled my shirt over my head.

I shook my head and smiled wide. "You're such a weirdo." I laughed.

He winked, "But you love me."

I raised an eyebrow.. "Mmmm.... Well...." I faked.

He threw a pillow at me. "Whatever." We just laughed and finished getting dressed.

The twins were already dressed and good to go, down the hallway in their playroom, probably destroying it as usual.

When I finished throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I went into the room and sure enough they had stuff everywhere.

"Pick up your toys, so we can go, or you're not gonna go... You can stay here.. by yourself." I lied, but I said sternly so I could get the point across.

They both said 'yes ma'am' and started to pick them up. I watched as they threw things in the wrong spots. But I wasn't gonna complain because they're actually doing something.

Once everyone was finished, we drove over to Ginas.

When we got there, she already had lunch ready and she was setting up plates around the table.

She was so focused on perfecting everything, she didn't even notice us standing there until Daniel ran up to her.

"Oh! Hi guys, I didn't even notice you guys were here." she beamed.

Jai laughed and hugged her, "Hi mum." he smiled.

She smiled and came over to me. "Hey honey. How is everything going, with the wedding and everything going on?"

I sighed, It was actually more stressful than I made it look. For one, weddings are expensive, and Jai is going to be gone alot, and I need him with some of the wedding things. I can't choose everything by myself.

"It's fine, a little stressful." I half smiled. Jai gave me a look but I ignored him.

"We'll talk about this later, Okay? Come sit and we'll wait for Luke and Beau." she smiled.

I nodded and sat the kids in the high-chairs she had here for them.

"Mummy! I'm hungryyyyyy" Destiny whined.

I pulled a small ziplock baggy full of cheerios and handed them to her.

She took them happily, but once she opened the bag, she started throwing a fit.

"Destiny! What is your problem?" I asked sternly.

She continued crying, "I don't want these!" she screamed. She started kicking around, and threw them all over the floor.

This instantly made me angry. "Are you fucking kidding me." I said under my breath. I swiftly picked her up and went to walk out to the car.

Before I could leave Jai stopped me, "I'll take her." he said.

"Don't worry about it Jai, I fucking got it!" I snapped and turned around to walk outside.

I don't know why I snapped at him.. Maybe because I'm so stressed about everything, or maybe because I was caught up in the moment, but I do know that I felt really bad afterwards.

Not The Same || Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now