Chapter 32. just keep on

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Blake's p.o.v.

The week starts up. I get up and get ready. I hang out with Tyler, Jeff, and Steve in the house alot. The girls hang out after classes. Dani left her keys hanging by the door so I get to take her truck when I need it.

She's been busy with work and classes. Brody is usually with her every where she goes. They have grown closer together to the point that they have a hard time hiding their relationship.

I send her a text before I take off. I was told of a bar not that far that's hiring and I need to start making my own money. My savings haven't dipped that much but I don't like the idea that I could run out of funds.

Jase's p.o.v. ☆ ♡ ☆

I have been at practice everyday and I started hanging out with the rest of the team. It's not the same as my old team from high school. Most of them are not even playing ball anymore.

I'm on the field running with the team with my ear buds in. I have been at it for awhile. Trying to run everything off with music screaming in my ears.

I feel a hand grab my arm. I look over my shoulder looking at my roommate and teammate. I remove my ear bud and slow down.


"Your brother and some girl are in the stand watching." James says nodding his head to the stands. I look over to see Brody and Dani. Their just sitting there talking as they stare out at the field I have been running on.

"How long have they been here?"

"Twenty minutes give or take.. Who is she?" James asks as he walks with me.

"Dani. The girl I told you about." I tell him taking her in. She's just sitting there in a short skirt and a tank top. She see's me looking at her and waves smiling. Her face all lit up with that smile that I can't help but walk over to her. I see James following me and I know it's because he's curious.

"Don't you look all sexy running around that field!" She says winking at me. I can't help but start laughing. Most normal sentence coming out of her mouth that didn't sound awkward.

"We were thinking about grabbing dinner at the BBQ pit.. Did you want to come with us?" Brody asks.

"Uh.. yeah I could go for BBQ. When?"

"Whenever your ready. We had no plans tonight and everyone is kinda doing their own thing tonight." Brody says sitting back on the bench.

"Don't say it like that Brody. Jase, we were already here when we asked everyone else if they wanted to meet us out for dinner. We were just waiting for you to get done running to ask you to join us for dinner. We can always do something after dinner to if your up for it?"

"Yeah, I need to shower.." I hear James sigh on the side of me. I look at the time on my phone. We can pack it in. It's kinda late and I'm beat. "This is James my roommate, you guys cool if he comes with us?"

"Yeah of course." Dani  says smiling  at us. "James, I'm Dani and that ass is Brody. He's just cranky because it's been a long day and he didn't have time to nap earlier."

"We have been running errands since five this morning and we usually get to sleep until at least nine." Brody whines.

"What did you guys have to do today?" I ask curious as they walk to my dorm.

"I had work, therapy and classes today. Then we went to a yoga class. Brody wasn't really a fan of yoga. He didn't seem to mind the girls in the class until the class started and we had to start moving."

"It was awful. Not meant for anyone that has balls. Some of those poses were just wrong." He said shaking his head. James starts laughing at him.

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