Chapter 13. Fitting in

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I can't believe how my life has changed in a matter of hours. Dani got me all this stuff to help me feel at home. I don't want to be looked at as a free loader. I appreciate it but I don't know. Her friends helped put the bed in my room.  Then turned on the television and are playing video games in the game room.

"Hey Blake,  you there?" Dani asks as she looks at me. I guess I zoned out. I nod in response and look around. 

"I just put your stuff in the dryer. Lets go have dinner,  your sheets should be done after dinner." She says with a smile. I go to get up and see Dani lifted off the ground.

"Dinner time." Brody breaks out and runs up the stairs with her. Jase just shakes his head and gets off the couch.

"Coming? You might want to move faster, Brody eats like a pig too." Jase says and starts heading up the stairs.  I follow him upstairs and into the dining room.  The table is huge. Everyone is sat around it.

"She made her own family out of her friends.  After everything that happened we all kind of clinged to her. I try not to pressure her into remembering.  I figure its too painful and that's why she doesn't.  But she lives with peter pan so she'll be alright. " Jase says looking at her.

"Peter pan?" I ask.

"Yeah Brody.  Smartest guy I know with the mentality of a ten year old. He was jealous that you were going to take her away.  That you would be her new bff." Jase says laughing.

"Oh..." I give him a slightly awkward look.

"Don't worry about it he's over it I think. " Jase says and takes an empty seat next to Dani.  I take the seat next to him. We all dig in and pass the food. All I can think is thank god I'm with Dani.  I got out of Ohio just in time to be around someone that cares if I'm comfortable and happy. 

"Do you play football? " Jase asks.

"Alittle.  I was more into basketball. " I answer. Jase nods his head and keeps eating. The food tastes good and the table quiet. Everyone seeming to be tired still.

"Did you want to take a tour of campus tomorrow?" Jase asks looking at me.

"Yeah that would be great. " I answer. I then look to Dani who is smiling.

"That's a great idea. I was feeling bad about having to work tomorrow.  We should all meet at Will's for dinner. " Dani says.

"Ok. I miss Nicky anyways. Brody what are you doing tomorrow? " Jase asks.

"Oh I planned on going with Dani.  Tyler said he would wait for the delivery. " Brody says with a mouthful.  Tyler nods in agreement.

"Brody, you should go with them. You will have more fun." Dani says.

"But I have been going with you since you started. I always help." Brody answers.

"Playing dress up isn't helping... ok Brody..   you can come with me." Dani says giving in.

We finish dinner and we all took care of the kitchen.  We all went down to the basement.  The guys went back to the game and I went into my room.  I started hanging all my clothes up in the closet.

"Hey, your bedding is done." Dani says and starts making my bed. I look over to see her ass in the air. Im going to be thinking of her all night now. She finishes the sheets and bends over to grab my blankets.  She sets my pillows on my bed.

She then walks out of the room.  I look around and sit down on my bed. I grab my new laptop and plug it in. I look thru my closet and pull out my guitar and set it next to my bed. I start looking thru the stuff I packed. I found a picture of just my brother and me. I take a picture of it with camera on my phone and send it to my email.  I then use it as a back ground picture on my laptop.

Dani comes back in smiling.  She holds up something.  I look over and see a picture frame. I look and its a picture of the three of us. Dani and I five and my brother Jack sixteen.  He brought me out to visit our grandparents.  Dani was visiting her grandparents in New York. It was before her parents split up and her father took over the house.  We were both hanging upside down and Jack was laughing. 

"I didn't know you had this picture. " I say quietly. 

"Yeah my mom took it. You should have it." Dani says.

"We really have known each other a long time. "

"Yes we have.  I never forgot you. When I forgot everyone else I didn't forget you. I know you have had a hard life Blake.  Jack dying was the worst.  I remember Jack. He used to play with us for hours. He never acted like we were in the way. I looked at him as an older brother for those two summers."Dani says and gives me a hug.

"I felt like I was never given a chance to grieve for him. My parents became so abusive so fast."

"I know. We looked forward to seeing each other every summer. Blake, I will always be here for you.  We will always be family. I may not be blood but I think we are closer than blood. Maybe we were related in a past life. I hear souls have a way of finding each other."

"Yeah. .."

"Definitely. .we should see a psychic.  That would be fun. I bet they would tell us our souls have always been connected. "

"Psychic?" Brody says coming in.

"Yup..I decided I'm a believer. " Dani says.

"That could be fun. We should go to a psychic fair." Brody says sitting on my bed.

"It would be interesting. " I say.

"Whos that?" Brody asks.

"Thats my older brother Jack, Dani, and me." I tell him.

"Where's he now?" Brody asks.

"He was killed by a drunk driver.  We went to a store and on the way home we were hit. He was seventeen.  Same age as me now." I tell him.

"Awww man I'm sorry that sucks. I could never imagine losing Jase. "

"I think it would be harder for you. I mean I miss my brother like crazy but you would never be able to look in a mirror with out seeing him."

"Your right. He's my other half.  My parents still can't tell the difference.  The only time is when Jase grows his hair out. We are exactly the same everywhere and yes we put it to the test."

"Ewww Brody tell me you didn't. " Dani says.

"We did. We measured it out and wrote it down and swapped. We wanted to make we weren't copying each other. It's a guy thing. "Brody says laughing.  I started laughing too. He's a riot.

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