Chapter 9. Nightmares and Hotelrooms

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☆★☆★☆ Song of the Chapter is

nightmare by avenged sevenfold

So I decided to let you guys have another chapter,  even though it's supposed to be on hold.  love you cupcakes,  yourbookslut ☆★☆★☆★☆

I woke up curled up in the in the room shaking. I had another night terror,  I was trying to catch my breath. My skin covered in goosebumps and pruney. The visual i had of my father still playing in my mind.

The girls were sitting on the bed looking at me. I must of scared them.  I touch my head wiping the sweat from my head. I sit up straight feeling confused on what happened.

"I'm sorry Blake. I called Dani and she said to try shaking you awake when you were having a nightmare in bed and you crawled over to the corner screaming." Tabby says looking really concerned.  "You should probably call her, she said if your not doing better, she will meet us in Texas to get you."

I take this in. I decide to call Dani. It's time to maybe just take a flight to California. I don't want to spend the money,  I need it until I can find a job. 

"Hey Dani, how are things?" I ask, hoping to get her to relax. 

"Hey Blake, I decided to come get you. Your not getting out of this. I need you to text me  Tabby ' s  address, so I can meet you there." Dani says.

"Dani you really don't have to. Im a big boy I can take of myself.  I will take a flight when I get to Texas." I tell her keeping my voice calm.

"Too late Blake, I left when Tabby called earlier.  I have been on the road for five hours. I will probably be there before you. Blake I probably need you right now as much as you need me, so suck it up and send me Tabby ' s address and I will see you in a little while ok? I love you Blakey."

With that she was off the phone. I felt confused and a little excited to see Dani. I don't know what's going on with her, but her saying that she needs me felt pretty good.  She's right, I need my best friend right now. I'm having nightmares I can't control and I'm in physical pain still.  My ribs are killing me.

"Hey Tabby, Dani ' s picking me up from your place if that's ok?" I ask. I'm ready for this trip to be over and see someone familiar.

"That's fine Blake, hand me your phone and I will text it." Tabby says.

"Well since we're all up, shall we get going?  Blake we have to play catch up to be there before your friend. " Jessica says with a smile. Tabby hands me back my phone and we all gather our stuff up and head to the car.

I get in the backseat and get comfortable.  As the girls pack up the car and check out. I feel myself start to drift away.


By noon we stopped and grabbed something to eat. I text Dani and let her know where we are. We got back in the car and started driving some more.

By eight at night we were pulling into Tabby's driveway.  We got out and followed Tabby in. Her parents were around the kitchen table.

Then I noticed Dani talking to someone.  She stole my breathe,  she was no longer the little girl that visited next door.

"Blakey, I told you I would beat you." she says with a giggle.  She comes over and carefully hugs me. "How are you feeling?  you ready to go home?"

I hug her back and just absorb her being here. "yeah I'm ready,  and I'm still sore. Hey Dani this is Jessica,  Candy, and Tabby."

"Hi, thanks for taking care of my friend. He's like a brother to me."Dani says and I feel a little shut down, I'm not having brotherly thoughts about her right now.  I just tighten my hug on her.

"Thanks for hosting me all day."Dani says to Tabby's parents. I follow Dani out to her mountaineer.  I throw my bags in her back seat.

"I rented a room for the night, let's get some dinner and do some sight seeing.  I've never been to Texas before." She says with a big smile, but i can tell she doesn't want to talk about what's bothering her. I will play along tonight.

"Whatever you want hun." I say smiling for the first time in a long time as I climb in.

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