Chapter 3. Wake up

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***** Song of the chapter " Ever Changing "  by Rise Against*****

Theres screaming from far away.  stay with me .. I got a heart beat.. come on kid wake up..

I feel like Im swimming and trying to break thru. Im surrounded in darkness.  Its too much and I give up and feel myself fade out.

.....time goes by.....

I feel intense pain ripping thru me. Suddenly I feel like a lost little boy. I want to cry out to my mom. I need my mom, but she will never come. She doesnt love me. She only protects herself and my father. They did this. I have no one. Im feeling scared and alone. 

Why do I hurt. I cant move or open my eyes.  Why are people touching me.. I dont like being touched. .


Im laying here and no one here can hear me. My body is screaming out at me. Its become to intense.  Im losing consciousness again.


The pain is back and I feel like Im on fire. I keep struggling and straining against what's holding on to me. I feel like my eyes at sewn shut. Im slowly able to open them. Its so bright and white. Maybe I am dead.

My eyes start to focus more. I start taking in my surroundings. Within seconds I realize Im in a hospital room. Theirs a beeping coming from the side of me. I have a ventilater and an IV drip hooked to me.

The door to room is open. I go to sit up and it hurts. I lift my arm and move the blankets away. My chest is wrapped. With one last push I sit myself up. It hurts but I can handle it. I just keep pushing.  I push myself back against the head board so Im now leaning.  Some of the pain fades as Im not supporting myself.

A cop looks in. "Your up. I dont think your suppose to be moving. " I let out a groan in response. My throat is to dry, my lips feel chapped and stuck together.

I motion with my hands, asking for

a drink. He comes in the room and grabs a plastic cup and fills it. He hands it over.I put it to lips to drink and I dribble all over myself like a toddler. I finally get some down my throat.  I give him the cup and moan out a "more".

I reach up and pull the tubs out of my nose. Im starting to feel less constricted.  The cop turns and hands me the cup and pushes the call button on the side of me.

Within seconds a nurse is coming in to check on me. She comes in and checks my vitals.  "How are you feeling sweetie? "

"I hurt and want to go home." I say slowly and start thinking I dont really want to go home. I just really want someone to care.

"Well Im going to get the doctor.  Hold on tight and he will help you."

She leaves the room and the cop sits on the side of me. I look to him and hes just looking back at me.

"Is my mom still alive?" I ask.

"Yeah She was released and she  left yesterday. " He said now with a look of pity.

"ok" I understand what he's saying.  She didn't ask about me or come see me. Im not surprised.  I lay my head against the wall and close my eyes.

The doctor comes in and looks at my sheet. "I told you that he would be up."

He starts poking at me. Then when I feel him lift the bandage is when I open my eyes. I look down to my chest and its soo discoloured with bruising. Its all black with with purple coming thru and Im noticing stitches.

"I had to remove the glass from your chest.  You had fallen on the broken window when you past out. You got lucky that you pierce any vital organs. You do have three broken ribs. "

I just nod looking down. Not really sure what I feel besides the pain. "How long have I been here?"

"Its Monday." the doctor tells me.

"ok" It all sinks in. "how long am I stuck here?"

"you can leave in a couple days."

"ok" then he leaves the room. "can I use the phone?"

The doctor hands me the phone.  I dial my moms cell number.  She picks up.

"Can you bring the rest of my stuff to the hospital? " I ask her.

"cant you wait until you get out?" she replys. I can hear the annoyance in her voice. Dont worry your not the only one annoyed.

"no, just bring my stuff to the front desk tomorrow and go to my high school and get my diploma and transcripts. You dont have to see me again. Just bring my stuff and were done and I will be gone. I could proubly send the friendly cop over to get it."

" Fine it will be there tomorrow. " She hangs up.

I wonder why I stayed and cared as long as I did. They look at me with pity. The Doctor sets the phone back down and looks at me.

"Did you want more pain killers? Do you want me to send a nurse in to give you a sponge bath?" he says.

"no Im good. just hungry. " I say while laughing.

"I will send you food." he says and walks out.

We sit in silence.  The nurse walks in and sets down the tray with soup and a slice of bread in front of me.

"It might not seem like enough, but you have not eaten in almost three days and we dont want you getting sick." she says and leaves.

I pick up my spoon and start sipping slowly.  My throat is still really sore, so its soothing. 

"The detective thats assigned to your case is on her way."

I nod head and keep eating.  Im not sure whats going to happen. The nurse comes in takes my tray and gives me tylenol. I lay back and close my eyes.

A half hour goes by before the detective shows up. She comes in and looks around. She tells Frank that he can leave.

She sits down where Frank was just sitting. She looks at me like Im something she was given the task to solve.

"We have a lot to talk about. You have been hiding a secret for awhile. Its time for it to come out." She tells me.

just remember the more votes and comments i get. even if there the i hate it comments.  the faster i upload.


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