Chapter 30. Lunch

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I woke tangled in bed. All the guys were in bed with me.  How I pulled this off? I have no idea. I go to move and Chase pulls me tighter to him. I feel him bury his face in my neck and breathe me in.

"Dani. ...."


"Morning. .. I love you. "

"I love you too. "

"I just want to hold you a little longer.."

"Okay. "

I hear my stomach growl and Chase laughs.  My head is pounding and  Im so sore in between my legs.  I hurt all over. I go to move my arms in a better position and pain goes thru.

"Breakfast? "

"Yeah and Advil."

"Alex... wake up?" Chase says turning over with me now laying on top of him. This is better. Alex opens his eyes squinting at us.

"We need a bigger bed. " Alex mumbles. He starts stretching and hits Blake in the process.  I turn to see my twins spooning.  I originally fell asleep with Jase holding me. I move around alot so I was expecting to be at the end of the bed. I watched Blake get up and go to the bathroom. 

"Get Dani advil and a drink.  I think last night might of been to much. " Chase whispers to Alex. I watched Alex get up with his sweat pants hanging low.

"Dani. . What time is it?" Brody asks.

"Don't know.  Why?"

"We have breakfast with Anna soon. " I let out a groan.  I don't want to move...

"See if she will do lunch instead Brody? " Chase asks.

"Okay...haha I'm the little spoon! !" Brody says laughing.

"No your an ass." Jase says smacking the back of Brody's head. "Babe how do you feel? "

"My head hurts." Brody says rubbing his head. I just start laughing. It's going to be a long day.  I sit up as Alex hands me a drink and pills. Blake comes out all showered and dressed for the day.

"Hey I was thinking about visiting nana.." Blake says looking at us as he sets his bag down.  "Would you mind?"

"No, go ahead." I tell him.

"You can take the truck. We're having lunch next door. " Brody says to him. "Or did you want all of us to go with you? "

"If you guys want to. Nana won't care. I usually spend every summer with her."

"Well let's get ready.  Have lunch and go visit Blake's nana. Our flight is at 8:00.  So we should get moving. " Brody says and heads to the bathroom. 

I get up and throw clean clothes on. I put my hair in a ponytail and put some makeup on. I slide my sneakers on and sit back on the couch. Alex comes over and lays on the couch putting his head on my lap. I start running my fingers thru his hair and he closes his eyes.

Jase comes out and kisses my forehead as he grabs the remote.  Turns the television on and sports center has gained his attention. He lifts Alex's feet as he sits down and lays them down on his lap. 

"Last night. ....." Jase starts.

"Was something different that left me sore." I say and Alex starts laughing.

"I didn't realize you were so hung Jase. I heard rumors but I just figured it was gossip." Alex said smirking.

"Alex... I'm not sure how I feel about you commenting on my dick." Jase said shaking the comment off. Alex just starts laughing instead.

"What are you guys talking about?" Chase asks sitting on the recliner.

"Jase's dick." Alex says still laughing and with that Jase tosses Alex to the ground.

"Ummm.... yeah so things are set to see Anna later." Chase says changing the subject. Brody comes out all fresh from his shower. He lays down on the loveseat closing his eyes.

Blake comes back in with coffee and donuts, setting it all on the coffee table. He sits down on the floor leaning against my legs.  We all start attacking the coffee.


After relaxing for a little while we pack up and check out of the hotel.  We walk over to the long horn steak house. We see Anna and Andrew waiting for us at a booth.

"Oh wow. You have a whole entourage with you." Anna says getting up and giving me a hug. "How's everything? "

"Ummm.... better. I got my memory back last night. My head hurts from it a little but it's nice being able to put the pieces together.  I don't know if you remember the guys? But thats Chase, Brody, Jase, Alex, and Blake. " I said pointing to them all.

"Yes I remember. Guys its been a while.  It's nice to see you all. " Anna says as I take a seat next to Andrew.

"Did the waitress come already? " Brody asks.

"Yeah but she will be back.  Dani.. I need to apologize.  I didn't realize you were dropped off that night. I was so mad at your father that I wasn't thinking clearly. I was to busy yelling at his treatment of you and then us that I didn't know until I got a call that you were hurt. I left him the day they flew you home. I went home and I told him that you might die. Then I packed our bags and never looked back.  Im so sorry for not thinking about how you got there. I was so shocked and pissed off that my reaction was to yell at him. I feel so guilty to this day for not just walking out the door and taking care of you.  Im so sorry... It's no one's business how you live your life and who you love. As long as they treat you right and love you that's all that matters.  I know your mother raised you right. I know you grew up to be a strong and independent young woman.  Your mother would be proud of you. "

"I hope so. I miss her so much. It was like reliving her death all over again when I woke up. But the guys were great and Will has become so big in my life that I can't picture him as anything but my dad. He texts me every morning and checks in on me a couple times a week.  I don't need my father. My mom got me a great dad before she left me. I don't hold what happened as your fault. My father treated me like that when I needed him most. I will never want him as part of my life. I decided to forgive and forget so he has no part of my future. "

" I understand sweetie.  I will always be here for you.  If you ever need anything let me know."

We order our food and hang out for a little while.  We gave them a hug and headed to Blake's nanas. It was nice seeing her again.  We stayed a long time and had dinner with her. You could tell she enjoyed the company.

>>>> im going to give you a chance to write a paragraph or two for the next chapter.  Next chapter is about them seperating and going home. You have until  Friday to send it to me. Email it to

Best one will be picked and put in. Remember to vote and comment.  Its the only way for the story to get shared since its rated x


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