Chapter 7. Start of a new Life

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¤¤¤¤¤¤ song of the chapter is "Rock Star" by Nickleback.  i was going to pick a different song but  hes now changing his life and it fits. write down your suggestions for next song. love you guys. dont forget to comment vote and share



I woke up at seven and I got myself out of bed, I was moaning and whining.  The point is that I did it. I was sore everywhere.  I got in the shower that was in the room, after I removed the bandages.  I looked horrible but Im stronger than I look.

I stood in the shower letting the hot water wash the damage away. It felt great after five days with just a sponge bath, i was feeling gross. After forty five minutes of loosening up in the shower my muscles felt more relaxed. 

I got out and put on a pair of old levis and white t shirt. Threw on my nikes and put my bag together.  Mandy was outside waiting.  I told her I already checked myself out. I lied, the doctor was trying to keep me for longer and I wasnt sure why. Im not staying to find out.

I looked out the door and slowly walked out. My bookbag slung over my shoulder and my guitar.  I pulled my hood up. I walked past the nurses station and up to the elevator.  I pushed the button and kept my face straight ahead.

"Blake... you have to come back here kid." I heard my doctor say as the doors opened with a ding. I got in and pressed the button for the doors to close.  I look up and see the doctor almost in front of me as the doors close. I let out a breathe. Now i just have to find my way out of here.

The doors open and I step out. With my head facing down, i notice the main doors and pick up the pace. I see Mandy in her car applying lipstick.  I open the passenger door and take a seat.

She looks at me and smiles. "So where to casanova"

" I need to grab my check, the bank and then the bus stop." I lean back and she drives on.

I go in the diner and grab my check. I grab myself a burger and fries. I say goodbye to everyone. Get in the car and start eating,  throwing a couple fries at Mandy.

She pulls up to the bank and I run in. I go in cash my check and take out my savings.  I close my account. I walk out and get back in the car. She brings me to bus stop. I get out  grabing my bag and guitar.  I look at Mandy. "Thanks for the rides" I walk away to the station. The sense of leaving seventeen years of my life washes thru me. Im finally doing it. I go get in line and wait to get my ticket.

I was standing there waiting when a couple of girls caught my attention. I started watching them. All of a sudden the lady announces that the bus broke down that i needed to take. So I took the bus route sheets outside and sat on the curb looking to find a bus that will at least get me closer. While I was doing that I head that the girls were heading home for the summer. They were renting a car and were heading to Texas. This could work. I get up and head over.

" I couldn't help over hear that you were going to Texas. Would I be able to hitch a ride with you. I could throw some gas money."  I ask the three girls. I look them over, I see the way they look at me and I know I can nail all three of them. They look at each other and the blonde looks at me. Always the blondes, she smiles at me " yeah hun you can ride with us. Im Candy and thats Tabby and Jessica. "

I stand with the girls as Jessica goes and rents the car. Candy is already touching my arm. Yeah Im gonna nail you later Candy.

Im standing there and waiting to leave when I hear my phone ring. I look at the screen, its Dani. I answer the phone to a girl crying. "hey dani you ok?" 

""Oh Blake I just got a call you were in the Hospital.  That You were in a coma and you didnt call me to tell me what those monsters did to you. Blake you need to get here, Im  worried about you. Im so glad you sound ok.""

"Dani...Im on my way now. I will be there couple days at most. Do you know who called you? What did you tell them?"

""I didnt tell them anything.  I acted like I didnt know who you were and they got the wrong person. Joe I think his name is.""

"Yeah that was my father. You did good Dani. Its been awhile, we will catch up when I get there."

I get off the phone with her and call detective Nora. I tell her that my parents are now harassing my roommate. She says she will take care of it. I look up to see the girls get in a car. I hang up and let my new life begin.

¤¤¤¤ so do you know whats to come???  And Dani is starting to show...¤¤¤¤¤¤

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