knj : euneirophrenia

9.1K 211 42

summary: in which they live their happy ever after.

genre: pure fluff

word count: + 1.1k

euneirophrenia; (noun)
the piece of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams.

"mommy, why is daddy always breaking things?", a tiny voice chimed and i looked at my daughter who climbed onto the sofa, crawled towards me and rested her head on my lap. i laughed softly and ran my fingers through her chocolate brown hair. "that's a long story, (d/n), and it's really funny too. i think we should get ourselves some snacks and something to drink before, ok?" she nodded happily, jumped from the sofa and ran towards the kitchen. "mooooommyyyy, where are yoouu? you're slower than grandpa yoongi!", she yelled and i bursted into laughter. "who told you about that?"

"daddy of course! and he said that uncle jimin got no jams too! what does that mean?" i grinned and shook my head. "i think it's better if you ask him. he certainly knows." she giggled happily and walked, no, more jumped towards the fridge, wanting to grab the chocolate. "oh darling, no sweets today..", i sighed and grabbed the fruit instead. (d/n) pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "you're so mean! fruit tastes bad!" ignoring her constant whining and pouting, i chopped the apples and pears, preparing a fruit salad. "come on, (d/n), i even bought strawberries."

upon hearing the name of her most favorite fruit, my daughter's face lit up and she quickly made her way towards me. "really mommy?! i love you soo much!" after getting everything done, she insisted on carrying the tray back to the living room. "because mommy is already busy carrying my sister around!" i laughed softly. "we don't even know if it'll be a girl." "but i want a sister!" i ruffled her hair slightly and took the cutlery.

after placing everything neatly on the table, (d/n) sat next to me and started to munch on her fruits while looking at me, waiting for me to start talking. i cleared my throat.

"i first met your father when i was in my first year in high school. he was that nerd with glasses, always sitting in the background, writing all the time. yet he still managed to get the best grades. i did not like him that much, to be honest." "how can someone not like dad? he's the best!" "i know, darling. weird, isn't it?"

"a week after the start of the new school year, my teacher decided to separate my friend and me, she thought we talked too much. so i had to sit in the background, next to namjoon. i was really mad and did not even want to talk to him. but, some weeks later, of course, my teacher wanted us to do a creative project. maybe writing a song or drawing some pictures. we were supposed to do it with our seat mate. i still remember my best friend laughing at me because i had to work with the school's nerd.

namjoon told me it would be great if we would do the project at his house, and i had noticed that he was rather shy around me. i had shrugged it off and visited him in the afternoon. when he opened the door, i did not even recognize him." "why not?", my daughter asked curiously. "well, he was wearing a suit and looked very serious. also his glasses were gone. he led me into his room, it was such a mess, bigger than yours could ever be.", i chuckled upon remembering namjoon's messy room. "and then it started. he wanted to give me a glass of water, but he accidentally broke it. i still don't know how in god's name he managed to do that, but it happened over and over again, especially this day. he was probably really nervous."

"why was he nervous?" "because he liked me a lot, but he was too shy to actually confess." (d/n) giggled. "that's so like him! daddy is still nervous around you! or he wouldn't break anything!" we both laughed. suddenly, the bell rang and (d/n) jumped up. "daddy is home!!" i followed my daughter to the door where she jumped into her father's arms. "hey little one. how was your day?", namjoon asked, holding his daughter. "it was fine!! mommy told me why you always break things!"

he faked a gasp. "w-what? i never break things!" "of course you do. or who broke the expensive plates?", i chuckled and walked towards my husband, who immediately got up. "hello beautiful. how are you?" i slung my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. "perfectly fine." "eww, don't kiss!", (d/n) pouted and her chubby hands tugged at our sleeves. "you can do that later!" i blushed at my daughter's comment and shook my head. "oh you, sassy as always. you definitely got that from your father." immediately, two voices protested: "that's not true!"

it was already late, (d/n) was sleeping safe and sound. i sat on the sofa, eyes closed. suddenly, someone kissed me. i blinked and looked at my husband. he was grinning like a child that got his favorite ice cream flavor. "oh you." "oh me what?" i smiled softly and ran my hands through his hair. i've always had a thing for his hair. "come here you.", namjoon wispered and pulled me towards him, resting his head on my shoulder. his left hand laid on my stomach, stroking it slightly. evenings like these were the best, i thought. "how was your day?", i asked him. "it was fine, i guess. we practiced some dances and the others wanted to know how you were doing." i chuckled. "i think i really need to visit you guys during practice sometimes." namjoon became flustered and shook his head frantically. "uh, no, i think, that, uh, won't be needed?" i couldn't hold in my laughter. "darling, i already know that you can't dance! don't feel ashamed!"

"jin is worse! remember that time when he danced with his knees only?", namjoon protested and i nodded. "that was entertaining though." he nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. "i love you." "i love you too." he had said that for countless of times by now, but i still felt my cheeks heating up. namjoon saw that and poked my cheek gently. "still blushing? that's my girl." i pouted, making him lean closer and plant a kiss on my lips. "better now?" i nodded. "much better."

"hey, namjoon, i'm proud of you by the way." "why?" "(d/n) called suga a grandpa and said that jimin got no jams. you obviously taught her about this, didn't you?" namjoon grinned happily and nodded. "i'm glad my daughter knows that jimin got no jams." together we laughed and continued to cuddle.

i was really happy that i got this perfect person by my side.

edited; 2017/10/03.

i was so cringy back then.

"in vain i have struggled. it will not do. my feelings will not be repressed. you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you."
— jane austen; pride and prejudice

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