Chapter 18- The Cab

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I dropped the phone.

I looked at my mom, who was smiling.

I looked at Kenzie, who was smiling.

Melissa, smiling.

And Maddie. Confused.

Then, I screamed.

Every second we had to wait in that cab to get back to our hotel room seemed to be longer and longer, but finally we arrived at the Marioot Marquis in Times Square, and we raced to the rooms. My mom and I were sharing one, and the Zieglers were sharing one. My mom set down her purse and called Franke as soon as we got in the room.

Waiting, waiting for him to pick up. Waiting, waiting....

My mom looked at her phone, then put it back to her face.

"Hey Franke, it's Jill Vertes. Just got your text, give me a call when you're not busy! Thanks again!"

She hung up.

"Sorry, K. He didn't answer, the line was busy."

I sadly opened a bag of chips from the cabinet near the door and turned on the tv. An advertisement for Matilda the Musical came on, which didn't make me feel any better, so I posted on instagram.

I took a selfie lying on the bed, and captioned "NYC, too busy too crazy" with a couple emojis.

Of course, in seconds, there were tons of comments. Usually, I read through them, but I didn't feel like it right now. "Mom, can't you call Toni now?"

"That's a great idea Kendall." Mom said, picking up her phone. But as soon as she touched it, it rang.

We made eye contact,

She picked it up.

"Hey Franke! Yes, one second."

My mom put the phone on speaker, and took my phone from me. I didn't know this at the time, because I didn't think twice about it, but she was filming me.

"Hey Kendall! It's Franke!"

"Hi Mr. Deligano!"

"Okay, So guess who called me this afternoon."

"The producers?"

"Yes! And they want to offer you one of the two empty title roles as Matilda!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I jumped up and down, and started crying, and shouting, "Thank you, Thank you, thank you!"

Mom sorted everything out with him, and rehearsals were to start on Friday. 

I was finally living my dream.

Then, mom hung up and looked at me.

"So who do I call first, Toni, Dad, or the Zieglers?"

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