Chapter 28- The City

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The rest of the night went awkwardly, as Kenzie went back to her house, and I simply went to bed. Of course, I remembered the last time I had tried to help Maddie.

I scrolled back to my texts and saw the text I had sent her about her solo from competition, and how she would do great. I knew Maddie was only happy when she was dancing.


The next day, we returned to Toni's studio to finish the Purple Pixies line, for her sample products had come in. I couldn't believe my eyes at how amazing they looked and how accurate they were to my sketches. I knew that Toni had originally wanted me to model the clothes with her daughter, Fifi, but I had to do something. I just knew I did.

I whispered to Toni and asked her. She seemed reluctant, but agreed.

Finally, I walked over to Maddie. "Hey Madz, I just wanted to let you know that if you wanted to help, there's some clothes in the box. over there." I said calmly to her, pointing to the box of sample clothes.

"What doy ou mean, help? Like take off tags?" she asked dully.

"No silly! We wear the same size clothes, come help me model!"

Of course, she was happy to. We got changed into our different dance clothes and started the photoshoot. It was so much fun, and Toni even told us that she would upload the photos to the website by the end of the day. I couldn't wait until she did! She even gave us a san disk with all of our pictures on it, which of course I uploaded to my computer as soon as I got back to the hotel.

Before we went back to the hotel, we stopped for dessert in a little cafe and ate together happily. Kenzie didn't get to do the photoshoot with us, but she didn't care- she was Kenzie and was always happy.

Finally, after getting home, we checked the website. All of the day's photo's had been uploaded.

Well, not all of them.

At the top of the webiste read a new banner, "Kendall Vertes for Purple Pixies! Preorder your dance wear today!" It featured a photo of me in my favorite outfit from the line, a purple and teal top with matching shorts.

We scrolled through the whole website, looking at all the new photos.

None of them, not eve one, showed Maddie.

In fact, for that matter, barely any of them showed Fifi either. Maybe one or two group shots, but that was it.

And no Maddie.

I didn't say anything, unsure of what to do. Instead, I flipped in the san disk card and started looking and laughing at our other photos. Maddie looked flawless in most of them.

Maddie and I hadn't actually taken any picture in the same photo, because there was only one piece in our size for each piece. That meant that we didn't take any pictures together because we were never wearing the same thing.

I closed my laptop and started making dinner, waiting for Maddie to say something.

Finally, she spoke.

"Maybe...maybe Toni just didn't finish uploading the pictures." She murmured.

"Yeah! That's porbably it." I agreed, taking out two sodas.

Maddie looked at the sodas, then shook her head. "No thanks. Um... I think I'm gonna go check on Kenzie and my mom." She walked, without tears in her eyes, but with a sad grace, to the door and left.

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