Chapter IV

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Here is Chapter IV. Hope you'll like it. 


"Ah! Curse this foot! I'm bored here," I plunged into the bed. If only I haven't stepped on those shreds, it won't be this boring. I checked my phone. It's almost 1 o'clock. Where's my pizza?

The door suddenly opened, "Your pizza is here. Taa-daa!" I sat up in my bed. It's Bambam showing me the box of pizza. It's as if they've heard my thoughts.

"It's over loaded," Yugyeom said grinning.

"You guys should really know how to knock," I laugh.

"I apologize," said the guy who just entered my room. "Hi Luna, I'm JB," he waved. Gosh! He is so gorgeous.

"H-hi. Yes, I'm Luna. Luna Margala Montendre. Nice to meet you," I said almost stuttering. Why do they look like angels? Where's Mark? Doesn't he wanna eat pizza?

"See I told you. She's nice," Yugyeom said now munching pizza with Bambam. Gosh, these two is so 'I don't know' just so adorable. "Oops, sorry Luna we forgot that this pizza is for you. Can't help it. Here," he grinned and gave me a slice.

"Thank you," and I took a bite.

These two are so funny. I honestly wanted a little sister. I remember when I was just two years old, mom gave birth to a baby boy. I was so happy, though it wasn't a girl, I was still so happy. Not until baby Sebby was taken away from us. He only lived for three days. The doctors said that Sebby has a really weak heart. I was still young to understand everything that time. That's why my mom doesn't want to have another baby. She's scared that history might repeat itself.

"Hey! You guys are eating pizza without calling me? That's so rude, you know?" Another guy entered my room. He moved his head phones down to his neck. "Oh hi there Luna," he knew me already?

"Hello," I replied.

"Is your foot okay? We saw you with. . ." JB cleared his throat that caught my attention, ". . .on the floor! And your foot was bleeding. Are you okay now? Does it still hurt?" he asked really concern.

"Hey! Before you ask Luna with whatsoever your deal is, you too should know how to knock," Bambam pointed at the new guy.

"The door is already open you idiot!" He walked to Bambam and pinches his nose. Bambam then complained in pain.

"Or you should really first introduce yourself," He's like the father of these three guys. JB knows exactly how to tame them.

The new guy scratched the back of his ear. "Yeah right. I'm Youngjae. Hello again Luna," he winked at me and proceeded to eat some pizza.

While eating pizza, I wondered if one of them was the guy I saw in the kitchen. But they're all good to me. One of them can't be that guy. I bite again on my pizza to forget that idea. I think I'm safe with these guys.

Hmm. This pizza taste so good.

"Can I join you?" Mr. Yu suddenly came into my room. My eyes met his. "Hi Luna, how are you feeling? I heard from Mark that you injured your foot. Are you okay now?" When he mentioned Mark, Mark came in too and leaned on the door frame.

"Just arrived?" JB asked, Mr. Yu nodded and turned on me waiting for my answer.

I smiled at him, "It still hurt a little. But I can manage the pain. Thank you for your concern guys," looking at each of them. And Mark was I last one I looked at. Our eyes meet then he looked away.

"Ah boys could you excuse us for a minute, I have something important to say to Luna," Mr. Yu said.

"How important is your 'important' for us not to know about it?" Bambam complained. He somehow has a point.

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