Chapter V

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[I can't write properly. Reason? Winner is poisoning my mind with their songs. Sentimental- Color Ring- Empty- I'm Young. See my dilemma?]


It's not like you're going to a battle field Luna!

I told myself as I breathe out in front of the mirror. I woke up early today to prep-up for school. And here we go again. I'm getting nervous without any reason. Ugh! What's with me? Am I losing my sanity?

I curled the tips of my long hair, light make-up for today. JB gave me my uniform yesterday. It fits perfectly.

[Luna Margala Montendre] I brushed my fingers on my name badge pinned on my uniform. It's just school Luna, new school.

"Luna, are you ready?" I heard knocks and JB's voice from behind the door.

"I'm going out now," I opened the door and saw a banner.

"HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL LUNA!" They all said in unison.

I covered my mouth in full astonishment. "Wow! Guys, you don't have to do this. Ahh it's so nice of you all. Thank you," I'm really am surprised. They're all smiling at me. I want to hug them all. I also noticed that Jinyoung is at the back leaning on the wall, arms crossed and just looking at me like I'm a prey or something like that.

Bambam and Yugyeom cling on both of my arms. Ah these two. "Thank you so much guys. Do I deserve this?" I asked.

"Yes of course Luna," Bambam said.

"Let's go. Before we all get a firing squad," JB said jokingly. We all laugh. Then we headed to the van, JB as the driver.

I just realized that the house is just within the campus parameter. I haven't notice it when I first arrived here. The school building is just a five minute drive away from the house and then we finally arrived in front of the school's main building.

We got out of the van. "Whoa!" I didn't really expect this kind of welcome. Girls are screaming and giggling as we walked up the stairs to the lobby of the school's main building.

"You guys gotta lot of fans!" they all looked at me after I said those words. I don't need to wonder. I know exactly the reason why. I want to laugh but I stop myself from doing so, instead I am tapping my chest. I feel so uneasy, quite nervous.

"Luna you'll be fine. No one will bully you here," Yugyeom tapped my back.

I breathe in and out before saying. "Thanks," and I smiled at him.

"Mark, you go first to SR building with Luna before you go to our class," JB said.

"Alright," Mark replied.

"Wait, none of you go to same class as me?" I asked. "I really thought we go to the same class, if not then on the same building."

"Uncle did not tell you?"JB asked perplexed. "Oh that old man! He made us go out Luna's room yet he did not tell her."

My brows furrowed. "Tell me what?"

"The seven of us, that includes Jackson hyung, we go to a different class in a different building Luna," Bambam explained, hands in his pockets.

"Oh really? So you're all like in a special class?" I didn't really expect that they'll be in a different class. What are they really? VIPs? I guess the uniform color says it all. They're wearing yellow ochre and I'm wearing a grey one the same with the other students. Why I only noticed it now?

"So he did not also tell you that he is the owner of this school?" JB asked again. Wait, what?

"He owns this school?" I asked in total bewilderment. Just because their uncle owns this school does not mean they have to be in a special class. Do I make sense? Or maybe they took an exam that only they passed. I don't really know. Not quite sure about the latter.

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