Last night was probably the least I have ever slept in my life. How could I? I was meeting the person that inspired me since I discovered him on YouTube back in 2008. Nothing can get better than being excited and filled with joy because you're meeting the person who fills you with excitement and joy. As crazy as it seems, I'm twenty-two years old and I still feel like the little girl I was when I first discovered kidrauhl. If you don't know who kidrauhl is then let me enlighten you. Kidrauhl is pronounced as (kid-rawl) yeah I know it's weird, but any who, kidrauhl is known to be Justin Bieber's screen name on YouTube. He has been kidrauhl since well... As long as I can remember. He made a name for himself accidentally. Yeah, I know, how can someone just accidentally get a million hits? He posted a video of himself singing at his Stratford idol competition and well you see...He was quite charming for a little boy. He posted the videos for family who couldn't make it to his competition and people all over the world went wild for Justin. Do I have to keep going? It's pretty obvious that Justin is talented and is still on top of his game. Oh wait, I totally missed something... I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Christina Benson and I am a belieber. Yeah yeah, it's no surprise really. I mentioned earlier before I got carried away about Justin's rise to fame, that I was meeting him. Yes, but it's not guaranteed sadly. He cancelled his meet and greets so my only chance to meet him is either at his busses or on the streets. You see... I'm much different from what you call a "fan". Don't get me wrong I am a fan of Justin's, but... A "fan" is most likely only there for attention. A belieber(me) on the other hand just wants to connect with Justin and actually get to know him. I obviously don't know the kid... I mean... Man. (Sorry, I still think Justin's sixteen sometimes.) but I feel like I have known him for the longest time. The bond we use to have a few years back is slowly fading, but I know deep down Justin doesn't want it to end. The bond. The love... Okay... I need to stop before I cry my fucking eyes out. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on my experience with Justin and all of you who would like to follow along... Here is your chance. There is a lot in store. I can feel it!
I'll Show You
FanfictionChristina Benson is a 22 year old woman who is typically not like any other of her kind that roams the earth, and by that I do not mean she is supernatural or psychic. She is simply an understanding woman who can relate to a certain pop singer that...