Chapter twenty-five

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I've literally tossed and turned all night while Justin slept peacefully. Ugh. My mind keeps me awake and I literally just sit there staring into the dark. I'm going to have purple bags under my eyes.

The sun cracked over the horizon and light beamed through the windows causing the room to brighten.

I felt Justin still up against me. His arm was wrapped around my waist and his nose was buried into my neck.

He was snoring and I could feel the light breaths escaping from his nostrils hit my flesh as he snoozed peacefully.

I didn't want to move or I would wake him, which he should be awake any time soon.

After five minutes passed, Justin finally woke up from his slumber. He groaned as he became alive to the world again.

"Good morning sunshine." I said turning over on my opposite side facing him.

"Good morning beautiful." He replied back as he opened his eyes that were still weak and tired.

"Want some breakfast? I'll make you some." I offered as I sat up and placed my legs over the side of the bed.

"That sounds nice." He said flipping the light on in his closet.

I let out a big yawn and then carried myself downstairs in my long shirt and underwear.

No one was there but Justin and I so, it didn't matter.

I walked in the kitchen and found the door to the fridge wide open. I knit my eyebrows together and stand there silently.

The door shut to the fridge and Hailey froze when she saw me.

"Oh... I-- uh didn't know you were here." I said nicely but also awkwardly.

Hailey opened the milk and poured it into her bowl of cereal.

I'm honestly lost. I thought she left last night.

"Sorry if I scared you." She said smiling.

"No, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting it." I replied not really knowing what to say.

Justin made his way downstairs and then noticed Hailey was leaned up against counter eating cereal.

"Hailey? When did you get here, I thought you left last night?" Justin asked confused out of his mind. He looked over at me and then back at her.

"I did, but I sat in my car for a long time and didn't really feel like driving home, so I just let myself in and crashed on the couch." She said crunching down onto her Captain crunch.

"Oh, okay. It's cool." Justin said rubbing the back of his neck.

He is so uncomfortable right now, it's kinda hilarious.

"So, Chris you've met Hailey?" He said trying to introduce me to her.

"Well not completely, but hi, I'm Christina." I said smiling a bit awkward.

She smiled back. "Hey, I'm Justin's friend. You're really pretty." She said taking another bite.

"Awh thanks, you're too." I responded.

Well, Justin was right. She is nice. Hm, but I still don't know how to feel about this.

"So, how long do you plan on staying?" Justin asked opening the fridge to get the orange juice.

"Well, not long, just wanted to visit and see how you were doing." She said as she focused on the floating pieces of cereal running away from her spoon.

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