Chapter forty-seven

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That plane ride home was the longest ever. I couldn't help, but think about my first time on a plane with Justin. Of course I cried over it. Right now, I can cry over anything because I'm pregnant and emotional ninety-nine percent of the time. I wish I could take my mind off of everything, but the only way I can actually do that is if I drink and I can't because of the baby so, I have to find another solution.

Right now, I'm waiting for mom to pick me up from the New York airport. My car is in LA so I don't really have a way to drive anywhere. I barely drove it in New York because of all the taxi's so I don't really need it.

I sat down on a bench and looked down at the ground staring off into space. I was hoping it wasn't going to take too long for mom to arrive. I didn't want to run into the paparazzi or even be asked about what was going on. I already know they have pictures of me boarding the plane from Canada so they know something is up. My baby bump is hidden so they don't know about the pregnancy. I hope.

My phone vibrated in my hand with a text message. Mom was finally here. I grabbed my luggage and rolled it behind me as I sped walked out of the airport and into the parking lot. She was standing outside of the car waiting for me. With her in my sight, that is all it took for the tears to come flooding out of my eyes. I ran towards her and her big baby belly, and hugged her. I sobbed into her chest and she held me tightly to let me know she was there.

"I love you, it's okay." She said with a quiver in her voice as she held me weeping.

"I love you too." I replied stammering over my sobs. Mom was hurting for me and I didn't m want to stress her out with all of this right now, but she was determined she was going to be here for her heartbroken daughter.

Mom sat me down into the car and loaded my luggage for me. We fled the airport and made our way home.

We passed so many places that reminded me of Justin. The grocery store whenever we went and ran errands for mom. The dry cleaners. The coffee shop. That Italian place he took me with their good ass alfredo.

This is so fucking hard. We parked the car in the garage. I grabbed my luggage and rolled it up the stairs into the kitchen. My father was sitting at the table with his newspaper.

"Hey Dad." I said emotionless.

He looked up immediately and came to hug my neck. "Come here." He said with open arms. I ran into his arms and tried not to break down.

"The pain will go away soon baby." He said pecking the top of my head gently. I wiped a tear that shed from my eye and then rolled my luggage upstairs. I approached my door and stopped in place. I took a deep breath and walked inside with my heart guarded. I shut the door behind me and sat on my bed looking around the emptiness. He was missing and so was half my heart.

This room has so many memories. From the times I sobbed to never say never and believe movie in my room, to fangirling because Justin finally followed me on twitter. I lay my body flat on my bed and prayed... that God would take care of my heart and heal it with strength, Strong enough for me and my baby. I put my heart into his hands and knew he wouldn't disappoint.

Seven months later| May 7th

It's time. My water just broke and the baby is coming. I'm in so much pain. My mom and dad rushed me to the hospital. Carla was there to watch Jared, my baby brother.

"Hold on honey, we are almost there." Mom said as she held my hand. I wanted to get this baby out of me.

I felt my body being lifted into a wheel chair and rushed into the hospital. Everything was happening at the speed of light. "Her water broke, get her into a room fast." My mom said to the doctor in the Emergency room.

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