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For my dedicated superfan and Empire fan, JustBeingTrish

    Hakeem walks into Lyon Dynasty after leaving dropping Anika off at her once they-came from her doctor's office; he is on his phone and only looks up when he runs into somebody and knocks their papers on the ground. He puts his phone in his pocket and bends down, he pauses when he realizes who it is. His mom hired her as her secretary a few weeks ago, he ain't gone lie. She is hella bad, she thick in the right place and has a dark, rich complexion. She carries herself in a respectful manner, he shakes his head and gathers up the paper in his hands as she stands up.

"Um thanks" she says as her eyes roam his body which he smirks at.

"What was your name again baby girl" he asks?

"Trisha" she says.

"Trisha I'm Hakeem" he says.

       She goes to respond when she hears Cookie call her name, she waves goodbye to Hakeem and rushes down the hall.

"Yeah she mine" he says and walks the opposite way.
     Later on that night, Trisha is the last to leave Empire. She stayed behind to change into her home clothes and is in the elevator thankful there are no cameras, she has changed into sweatpants and some sneakers but is only in her bra. She is going to pull her jacket over her head when the elevator doors open and Hakeem is standing in front of her, she freezes as it feels like the elevator has gotten smaller.

        He doesn't say anything but he just steps on and presses the last button that will take them to the lobby of Empire, Trisha goes to finish putting on her hoodie when his hand reaches out grabbing hers and moves them back until she is pinned against the wall. Her breath hitches as his cologne overwhelms her senses.

"Hakeem" she says.

"That's my name baby girl" he says pressing closer against her. 

"We shouldn't do this. I can get fired" she says.

"No you won't" he says and presses his lips against hers, she tenses up at first before relaxing against his touch.

     Ten minutes later, Hakeem shirt is removed and Trisha is naked from the waist down. Her legs around his waist as her nails dig in his back as he ruthlessly thrusts into her, she then moves one hand to brace against the wall behind her.

"Hakeem" she pants as his fingers dig into her bare thighs, she will probably have bruises tomorrow but neither of them care.

"Baby" he groans resting his head in her neck, he hits a specific spot that has her seeing scars and she whimpers as her back arches.

          Trish feels her climax approaching and she tries to warn Hakeem because it's coming fast and and hard, but just as she goes to say anything it rocks her body and she throws her head back subconsciously and hits her head against the wall. The pain is nothing compared to the pleasure in her body, Hakeem feeling this tenses up as his body stills. Once they are done, he slides down on his butt and she falls into his lap and she is breathing hard as she comes down from her high.

"Damn" Hakeem says and places his hand on her lower neck and brings her head up kissing her passionately, she tiredly reaches up behind them as her head starts to hurt and pushed the start button so the elevator moves again.

          It takes all of her energy to get up, once they both are dressed and they reach the lobby. His arm is thrown around her waist as she presses against his side, Hakeem presses a kiss to his temple.

"Same time tomorrow baby" he asks?

"Hakeem you are wearing me out" she says.

"Not my fault my lady looks good in her work uniform" he says as they make their way outside and to his SUV.

"You're lucky that you're my boyfriend or I would not allow sex in my workplace" she says as she climbs in the backseat beside him.

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